Saturday, February 11, 2012

America Desperately Needs A Hero...but Who?


America Desperately Needs A Hero...but Who- by Lloyd Marcus over at American Thinker

Stunned Americans are asking, "Why would Obama, in an election year, boldly trash the first amendment, forcing Catholic institutions to provide birth control, abortion drugs, and other contraceptive services which go against their faith?" These baffled, naïve people still do not get it. First and foremost, Obama is a hardcore leftist hater of America as we know it. He is laser-focused on implementing his vowed fundamental transformation of America into a socialistic, secular-progressive Disneyland.


As proven by their gleeful willingness to exempt Obama from the usual vetting process during his 2008 presidential campaign, the liberal mainstream media has given Obama every reason to be confident in their cover and support as Obama ignores the Constitution to fulfill his anti-America anti-freedom agenda.


For three years, we have witnessed Obama slowly peeling off his well-crafted "moderate" mask. Our first glimpse of the real Obama was his unprecedented government hostile takeover of private secular auto companies and his bullying banks to accept government bailouts.


Then, despite a majority of Americans screaming "No!" to ObamaCare, Obama basically said "screw y'all" and forced the passage of his health care bill. A Rasmussen poll that week showed that 55% of Americans wanted it repealed. It did not matter. The king had decreed it so. Displaying off-the-chain arrogance and dictatorial power, Obama's enforcer, Nancy Pelosi, ruled that "[w]e have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it." Yes, even Democrats who voted to pass the bill were clueless regarding its content. Obama revealed a little more of the man behind the mask.


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