Monday, January 2, 2012

WOW, There Is Another Lawsuit Against The DNC


If you are curious what this lawsuit is about go to: Debbie Wasserman Schultz DNC Sued: Certifying Candidates for Presidential Elections Under Microscope by Maggie.  Here is the first paragraph of the article:


You may remember the name Van Irion in the 2010 elections. Van was running for the House seat for Tennessee’s 3rd District. He lost in the primary to Republican Chuck Fleishmann who is now on Capitol Hill. Irion, an attorney, and veteran of Operation Desert Storm, and went on to found the Liberty Legal Foundation. He is working with John Drummett, a computer programmer for the State of California, through Liberty Legal, to sue the Democrat National Committee and chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz. The goal is to show that the DNC is not trustworthy in certifying presidential candidates, and to change the process so that State’s can rely on DNC certification. Once the DNC sends the certification to each state, the State has no recourse but to accept the certification and place the name on the ballot. Also of interest regarding this lawsuit, is that the Plaintiffs believe impeachment is not an option for a usurper, because impeachment is redress only for a “legally elected” president.

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This article was found on Maggie’s Notebook.

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