Saturday, January 21, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On January 20, 2012


  1. Holder’s United Front on Fast and Furious Crumbles

  2. Federal official in Arizona to plead 5th in Fast and Furious case

  3. WHITE HOUSE INSIDER-   I Hung My Head…

  4. Glenn Beck: Fox News told me to shut up

  5. In Memoriam

  6. Indiana Union Planning to Ruin Super Bowl With Occupy-Style Protests

  7. Dramatic images in the news

  8. The Proposed Enemy Expatriation Act- Sending American Citizens into Exile

  9. Indiana Democrats Fleebagging Again, Abandoning Their Jobs

  10. Conservatives Get Stupid, Again

  11. Massive opposition research file on Romney hits Internet, likely from 2008 McCain campaign

  12. Federal official in Arizona to plead 5th in Fast and Furious case

  13. Canada Pledges to Sell Oil to Asia After Obama Rejects Keystone Pipeline

  14. UPDATE- Body parts scattered near Hollywood sign

  15. La reddition

  16. Fail- Obama shuts down Disneyworld to talk up tourism

  17. GOP Rep. Takes Buffet Up On Deficit Reduction Donation Pledge

  18. WTF Of The Day


  20. Obama Crisis Management System

  21. Marriage Destroyers – Pornography

  22. A perfect illustration of the decline of a once great nation

  23. Epiphany 2012

  24. Romney Levels #Occupy Goon – “America’s Right and You’re Wrong” (Video)

  25. Newt surging- because he’s standing up to legacy media

  26. Satisfaction with big government at all-time low

  27. Dr. Mark J. Chironna- Behold, I Am Making All Things New- Destiny Stands in Need of You!

  28. DON'T invite your unbelieving friends to Church Next Sunday --- with two exceptions

  29. Liberals Out in Full Force Against Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu 

  30. Mitch Daniels- The Man from Bush-

  31. CNN Debate In South Carolina- Newt Owned It From Outset

  32. Etta James has died

  33. Ottawa expels Russian diplomats in wake of charges against Canadian

  34. Bankrupt Solyndra Caught Destroying Brand New Parts Worth Millions of Dollars…

  35. Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Munchkin) Calls For Constitutional Amendment To Fund Federal Campaigns Exclusively With Taxpayer Dollars

  36. GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert- Obama “Playing Class Warfare . . . Acting Like The Evil Emperor”…

  37. Pic of the Day

  38. Video- Occupiers Get Stoned On Congress’ Lawn During Protest…

  39. Flashback- Reagan, Bush 41 Tell Off Media

  40. Entrepreneurs Plot Their Way Around the Regime's Insane Keystone Pipeline Decision

  41. Does Character Still Count-

  42. What Do Women Think of the Marianne Gingrich Story-

  43. ‘The Best Man Left on the Battlefield’- Chuck Norris Endorses Gingrich

  44. In which Newt eviscerates CNN’s John King

  45. Can we call them “Socialists” yet-

  46. Canadian Pundit- “Obama Treats His Friends Like His Enemies, and His Enemies Like His Friends”

  47. Change Has Come to America, Now Let’s Change It Back (Video)

  48. Brickbat Combo

  49. House Democrats Want “Reasonable Profits Board” for Dictating Oil Company Profits

  50. Fading Glory

  51. Ummm…..NO! 

  52. Throwing Away OUR Money

  53. Daily Read – January 20

  54. Gingrich Ethics Charges Details- Concluded Nothing

  55. Newt!

  56. Chuck Norris Endorses Newt Gingrich

  57. Romney’s Lead Collapsing Nationwide

  58. Huckabee on O’Reilly- Obama Needs to Prove He Didn’t Get “Foreign Student Loans” in College

  59. Rush on Newt’s Debate Zingers- “The Audience Is Eating It Up Off the Floor… They’re Sucking It Up With Straws”

  60. Obama creates false choices to exacerbate political divisions

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