Friday, January 20, 2012

The Godfather Talks About God Governing In The Affairs Of Man


I went over to Godfathers Politics to see what they were talking about today. The Godfather was talking God. I thought it was good piece.


‘God Governs in the Affairs of Men’ by The Godfather

I just got back from a recording session with the “Politichicks.” The four lovely young ladies asked me questions about the role Christianity played in the founding of America. In the short time I had, I addressed several topics. In order to answer the question, it’s necessary to get in the mind of a secularist. They depend on the majority of the people who read their works or listen to them on radio and television programs not to know much about our nation’s religious history.


One of them is Brooke Allen. In her article “Our Godless Constitution,” she argues that God was a “very minor player” in the history of the founding of America. How much evidence is necessary to disprove her assertion? Beginning with the founding of Jamestown in 1607, there’s a lot of evidence.


But even if we start with 1776 Allen’s claim is easily disproved since the Declaration includes four direct statements that reference God. Then there is the list of phrases that can be gleaned from the writings of the founders and the documents they drafted.


Read more: ‘God Governs in the Affairs of Men’

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