Friday, January 6, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On January 5, 2012


  1. Shades of last year's walkout

  2. Operation Drugwalker-...Press ignores another explosive story

  3. How many have died from DEA's 'Project Buckwalker'- - National

  4. The Left's Rights Scam

  5. Chinese police demolish mosque

  6. Drugs, Guns and Madness in the Ron Paul Revolution

  7. Boko Haram bombing suspects captured; U.S. bomb techs alerted

  8. Move Over, Nostradamus!

  9. Elementary School Accused Of Making Children Sing Pro-Occupy Song

  10. SUBMIT- Cuomo urges mandatory DNA samples

  11. Outrage- GM considering moving Volt production to China-

  12. Now that Obama has his $4 million Hawaiian vacation over, he wants to expand the middle class or something

  13. WaPO- The GOP is the Party of Whites or Something

  14. Bluster- Iran Preparing to Pass Bill Banning Foreign Warships From Persian Gulf

  15. Chicago Tribune- STOCK Act is Merely 'Window Dressing' and 'Damage Control' to Protect Rep. Bachus

  16. Bonehead Quote Of The Day

  17. Occupier Of The Day

  18. ‪Enemy of the State – Why the NDAA is an Act of War‬’

  19. POTUS as serial liar-

  20. Spoonley- Just another Marxist Traitor-

  21. hmmmmmmm…

  22. A different way at looking at contraception

  23. So a pretty bad week then-

  24. The approaching night

  25. A Father's Tale

  26. Leadership in a crisis

  27. General Debate

  28. Drunk Woman Arrested After Rubbing Her Bare Buns on $30,000,000 Art Piece

  29. Free Syrian Army Gives Assad Forces 4 Day Ultimatum

  30. As Promised, Newt Releases Romney Attack Ad- “Timid vs. Bold” (Video)

  31. So Sad… Obama’s Popularity Dwindling Among Disillusioned Supporters (Video)

  32. Local St. Louis Schools Use Bracelets to Monitor Children at School …And at Home

  33. Horrified parents see Moroccan Muslim man cannibalize their little girl

  34. Liberal pundit doubts constitutionality of Obama’s recent recess appointments

  35. When did the Prophetic become a Self Help Program rather than Speaking for the God that IS--

  36. The Truth Many Would Rather Not Know

  37. Romney’s Former Adviser Advocated Compulsory Sterilizations

  38. Important Business Lunch Lecture and Book Launch- Salim Mansur’s new book, “DELECTABLE LIE

  39. Shia Boom Shia Boom In Baghdad

  40. Goodbye Democracy- My Political Analysis is Banned By A European Government’s Computer Program As “Hate Speech”

  41. Flashback- Santorum On Sharia, “We Need To Define It And Say What It Is. And It Is Evil”…

  42. Santorum Calls On Senate To Sue Obama Admin Over Illegal Recess Appointment…

  43. Occupy Wall St. Hits Rock Bottom- “Public Nuisance”

  44. Bummer- #Occupy Is Really The 1%

  45. Bummer- The Climate Change (Hoax) Message Is Not Being Heard

  46. Santorum- Can A “Social Issues” Guy Win In An Election About The Economy-

  47. “Dear Leader” Barack Hussein Obama I – Tyrant

  48. Incompetence!

  49. Daily Read – January 5

  50. Say Whut-

  51. Sarah Shepard McKinley- More to the Story- Kenny McKinley Family Member Suspects So

  52. Rush: I wouldn’t want McCain’s endorsement

  53. ‘Resign now’ protest against Sheriff Joe fizzles

  54. Pro-Gingrich Group Posts Anti-Romney Ad, Featuring McCain

  55. Wall Street Insider Demands A Meeting

  56. The Dangers of Botox- Pelosi Claims Repealing Obamacare Would “Destroy More Than 300,000 Jobs”

  57. Two Cheers for a ‘Do-Nothing Congress’

  58. Attacks Fly in New Hampshire

  59. Who killed the Iowa caucuses?

  60. History uncovers Romney’s Democratic leanings

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