Friday, January 6, 2012

Meatheads Of The Day (1-5-2012)


1)  I like McCain some what but I am beginning to think McCain needs to retire after he says GOP needs to wrap things up and settle on Romney 2 days after the Iowa Caucus. The people have not declared Romney as the nominee from just one state. We have how many states to go before a sure winner is picked. Hello! Who says the people want Romney? This isn’t the time to count chickens before their hatched.


  1. 2 Days After Iowa Caucuses – McCain Says GOP Should Wrap Things Up & Settle On Romney

  2. McCain says GOP should settle quickly on Romney

2)  Just when I thought there would be one meathead today, Pelosi opens her mouth to proclaim gladly Obama was bold in doing the recess appointment. Ummm, when did breaking the law turn right. Does anybody know why Pelosi thinks repealing Obamacare would destroy 300,000 jobs?


  1. Pelosi 'glad' Obama made 'bold' recess appointments while Congress in session [VIDEO]

  2. The Dangers of Botox- Pelosi Claims Repealing Obamacare Would “Destroy More Than 300,000 Jobs”

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