Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My List Of Articles I Read On November 8, 2011, Part 2


  1. With Allred's involvement, conservatives greet new Cain allegations with skepticism
  2. Poll- Majority say Obama shouldn't be re-elected
  3. Holder to face gun-walking music at Senate hearing
  4. Grassley to push Holder- New evidence contradicts claim about when AG learned of 'Fast and Furious
  5. Police will get tough on 'Occupy DC' protesters
  6. GALLUP- Majority of Dems Seldom Or Never Go To Church
  7. Conservatives Outnumber Liberals 2-1
  8. Shirley Carter- Frontline Prophetic Report
  9. This is the TERROR of every Prophet
  10. Occupy Protest's New Target--Old People and Little Kids
  11. Dem leaders set to drive a harder bargain than Obama on deficit reduction
  12. He said. She said. I don’t know
  13. Occupy Wall Street Leftist: "I wouldn’t give a f*ck if 9/11 happened 911 more times"
  14. Spencer- Terrorists Assault Free Speech With Firebomb Over a Muhammad Satire
  15. Egypt- Islamist authorities arresting, detaining more Christians
  16. Come Clean Gloria Allred!(Updated)
  17. White House Insider- Obama’s Rage Over Netanyahu Meeting- “What the F-ck was that-”
  18. White House Insider- Obama’s West Wing Civil War
  19. Holder Refuses To Apologize For Murder Of Border Agent; Says Fast & Furious Didn't Lead To Death
  20. Attorney General Holder Changes Testimony on the 'Fast and Furious' Operation
  21. Holder Refuses to Apologize
  22. Opening Monologue on a Rotten Day
  23. From Storms of Destruction to the Winds of Change
  24. David Wilkerson Urgently Warns Re Earth-Shattering Calamity
  25. 1968 Prophecy by a 90 Year Old Norwegian Woman (for discernment only)

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