Sunday, May 5, 2013

My Article Read (5-4-2013)


  1. Jay Carney: 'Benghazi happened a long time ago'

  2. Cruz: Government not prosecuting gun crimes

  3. How Obama Obstructs Justice in the Search for a Communist Terrorist

  4. Explosive new info on Benghazi talking points: Who changed them and why

  5. Sarah Palin’s fiery NRA speech: ‘Don’t make me do it’

  6. Shapiro takes Piers Morgan for round 2: ‘Why do you hate America so much?’

  7. Ted Cruz NRA Speech 2013 Video: 3 Facts About Barack Obama and Violent Crime

  8. Sarah Palin NRA 2013 Speech Video

  9. US Army Corp Inventory of Dams Hacked

  10. Katherine Russell: 800 Sq Ft Apartment Babies and Bombs – How Long Before She Ditches the Burqa?

  11. Benghazi Whistleblower Part 3: Distress Call Not As Effective as Alert Bracelet in Assisted Living Facility

  12. Video: Obama’s Benghazi Secrets

  13. The Scandal That Will Not Die

  14. Video: Outing Congressmen That Have No Spine For The Truth

  15. Video: Do Americans Approve Of The Surveillance State?

  16. The Death Agenda

  17. Let's Face Our Giants

  18. Pentagon Defends its New Policy against "proselytization" in the Military—but their Definitions Raise Concern…Meanwhile, First Military Officer Steps Forward to Defy the Policy

  19. Dan & Linda Wilson: Revival of Righteousness

  20. A Sportscaster Comes Out As Christian.

  21. Michelle Obama’s Bogus Claim School Children “Wake Up Fearing Death”

  22. Benghazi...

  23. DAMNING: The Complete Benghazi Timeline in Spreadsheet Format

  24. How Seattle teens totally liberated America on May Day | The Daily Caller

  25. This is a trend that can only lead to disaster

  26. NRA – John Bolton and Gov Rick Perry

  27. Derby Day Thoughts

  28. Gold Coast MP Ray Stevens

  29. Riiiight….

  30. If white students did it to black teachers……

  31. Anders Breivik - A Christian Atheist

  32. Catholic Hospital uses ethical science

  33. House report on Benghazi exposes cover-up to protect the State Department from looking like it screwed up


  35. Obama: The fall

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