Saturday, March 9, 2013

My Article Read (3-8-2013)


  1. Say Whut?

  2. Intellectual Froglegs – American Comrade

  3. Scatter Thy Seed

  4. Keep Your Mind on Heavenly Things

  5. Obama Drops His Family Friendly Mask

  6. Carman Searches for Meaning in Cancer Diagnosis

  7. A Time of Destinies To Be Fulfilled

  8. Sunday TV Ratings: "The BIBLE" is Hot, Rising Pop Stars are Not

  9. The Meeting in Los Angeles will continue: Here is why.

  10. Equipped To Edify

  11. The Narrow Gate – A Warning

  12. Keep The Dream Alive

  13. Republican Operatives Take On McCain and Graham (R.I. Related)

  14. The Rand Paul Momentum Moves Into The Low Info Voter Mainstream

  15. REPUBLICAN INSIDER: “Out With The Old – And In With The New”

  16. More news on gun control...

  17. Mark your calendars...

  18. Listen up low info voters: Your President is a obscene petty little dictator...(video)

  19. Are we becoming Germany?...

  20. Cops: No charges after California home's refusal to give CPR

  21. The Old Bulls vs The Young Whippersnapper

  22. Eric Bolling: Mr. President I’ll Pay for One Week to Keep White House Tours Open – Sean Hannity Takes Second Week

  23. Watcher of Weasels Nominations – Sequester Blues Edition

  24. Limbaugh: Let's build on the Paul filibuster


  26. House demands Pentagon disclose details about domestic drones

  27. Docs threaten boycott against forces' 'brutal behaviour'

  28. Police at Cushing public schools following anonymous threat

  29. New Evidence Pentagon Linked to Iraqi Torture Centers? More War Crimes Exposed:

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