Friday, March 8, 2013

A Email I Receive From Indiana Senator Joe Donnelly


I am not sure what to make of this. I don’t recall writing him about drones but I could of and forgot. It sounds to me like he is still brown nosing Obama from the Congress to Senate. I admit I don’t have a very good view of Senator Joe Donnelly especially from his years in Congress. I think I could use some perspectives from others, get their views. So what is your take?

You know, I do have to say he wrote me to where Evan Byah didn’t I guess that is one thing in his favor.


March 7, 2013

Dear Ms. Blake,

Throughout the ongoing effort to fight terrorism abroad, the United States has used unmanned aircraft, commonly referred to as drones, to target al-Qaeda leadership and other Islamic extremist groups who plot to attack the United States. Emerging details of drone strikes against American al-Qaeda suspects abroad have raised concerns about the use of these drones and the policies justifying their use.

A Department of Justice memorandum obtained by NBC News in February 2013 revealed that, under the legal umbrella of national self-defense, the U.S. government can order a drone strike on American citizens abroad if they are believed to be "senior operational leaders" of al-Qaeda or "an associated force." According to this memorandum, such a strike is permissible if three conditions are met: 1) if an "informed, high level" official determines that an American citizen poses an imminent threat of attack against the United States; 2) capture is infeasible; 3) and the operation would be conducted under the applicable law of war.

The Obama Administration's view that drone strikes can be permitted against U.S. citizens has raised concerns about due process rights of American citizens and the prohibition against assassination. Given the grave threat that al-Qaeda presents to our nation's security, we must strike the appropriate balance between doing what is necessary to protect our homeland, and ensuring that the constitutional rights of Americans citizens are appropriately protected.

As a Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, I will continue to closely monitor the use of targeted drone strikes abroad. Should legislation to restrict the use of drones come to the floor of the Senate, I will be sure to keep your thoughts in mind as it does.

It is a privilege to represent you and all Hoosiers in the U.S. Senate. Your continued correspondence is welcome and helps me to better represent our state. I encourage you to write, call, or email if my office can ever be of assistance. You can also check out my Facebook page and follow me on Twitter by visiting my website.

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