Wednesday, January 2, 2013

An Expose About Your Power To Make A Difference By Mario Murillo


AN EXPOSÉ ABOUT YOUR POWER TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. by Mario Murillo, Mario Murillo Ministries



Look at our nation. She fights for her life as she has not fought since the Civil War. Her muscles fail from exertion, her mind grows weary, frantically seeking answers.

While parasites feed on the American Dream; our leaders apply cures that are worse than the disease. In this last Fiscal Cliff psycho-drama our elected officials looked like F Troop (with apologies to F Troop). It is the perfect storm: adversity meets incompetence.

David Wilkerson said, “Think about it: Nobody — no politician, economist or financial expert — has been able to explain the sudden evaporation of great wealth. It is a shaking that has spread rapid-fire throughout the earth, with no nation immune. These systems were considered too big to fail. And now everyone is baffled about what’s behind this widespread failure of humankind’s greatest institutions.”

What we are witnessing is God shaking everything that can be shaken.  “Mario, why tell me all of this when I am powerless to do anything about it?  This was the very question that David asked, “If the foundations are being destroyed what can the righteous do?” –Psalm 11:3.

What can the righteous do?  First let me tell you what not to do.  This is no time for soothing words. Soothing words will not break the stranglehold on your emotions, your loved ones, your finances, your church or your nation.  Many are flabby from flattering words of spiritual entitlement. Smiley faced sermons may appease our inner child but they do nothing about the wolf at the door.

Nehemiah was in the identical situation as Christians today.  He was called to build in a time of chaos, division, danger and lack.  He is the kind of general we need today and his words to the sheepish Jews are the words we need so desperately today:

“Do not be afraid of the enemy; [earnestly] remember the Lord and imprint Him [on your minds], great and terrible, and [take from Him courage to] fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes.” Nehemiah 4:14.


Nehemiah gave us two burning truths of how to make a difference right now.

1. Remember the Majesty of God. Knowing the task before him, God infused Joshua with the majesty of God.  The wars that were coming were huge, unrelenting, against foes that were well entrenched and ready. “Joshua 1: 5 says, “ No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you.   God was his formula for success and He is our formula for success.  He is storing strategies and stockpiling tactics for a special breed who see Him in His Splendor and are gazing at His Glory.

2. FIGHT!  David asked, “If the foundations are being destroyed what can the righteous do?” –Psalm 11:3.   Verse 4 answers the question, “The Lord is in His holy temple, The Lord’s throne is in heaven; His eyes behold, His eyelids test the sons of men.”  God’s eyes are on us!  The mighty and awesome God that transformed Joshua is with us to fight and win.  2 Chronicles 16:9 tell us, “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.”

Fight because you know it is time to fight.  Fight for the freedoms you love but most of all for the people you love.  Nehemiah said nothing about how to fight.  Somehow he knew that if someone sees the majesty of God, they will see the evil of their day through God’s eyes and they will know what to do.  Why?  Because the greatest military tactician of all time who is more than  a conqueror will school them Himself!

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