Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Something To Think About America



Yesterday, as I was on the way to some friend's house, I was asking the Lord about the elections and I felt I got a very definite response. I heard, "The outcome of this election is not nearly as important as your response to it." When I heard this I knew the Lord was waiting to see how his people would respond after the election on Tuesday. Regardless of the outcome. I know that most people are focused on who is going to win on Tuesday. I got the definite message that God is not. For one thing He already knows. The fate of our nation will be determined much more by the Christlikeness of God's people and their response on Wednesday and the weeks and months following.

God is looking for what His people will do with the circumstances we find ourselves in the day after the election. We are the ones called out to reign and speak into our nation with love and humility. Salvation does not come from the political process, although God may use it just like He uses everything else. We don't need a Republican agenda, or a Democratic agenda. We need a humility agenda, and a repentance agenda.

Regardless of what laws do or don't get passed in the coming years, what would happen if God's people would humble ourselves and repent for turning away from God, and then from that position of brokenness begin prophesying to our nation about abortion. Abortion would begin to die. It would have to.

Remember the preaching of Jonah. An anointing to bring an entire wicked nation to repentance. That anointing came after humility and repentance on Jonah's part when he returned and began to obey the word of the Lord.

Like Jonah we, the church, have been going the wrong direction. Not really embracing God's heart for our nation. Pride has blinded the church. We are judgmental in the same way Jesus spoke of the man with the log in his eye in Matt 7.

In the same way the fate of an entire nation is in our hands. How will we respond on Wed, Nov 7, 2012, to the circumstances we find ourselves in. "Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God..."

Our weapons are so much more powerful than political, military, religious, or even financial weapons. James says our tongues, though they be small, are like the tiny rudder of a giant ship that turns the ship wherever we will. That's power.

We, the church, must use our prophetic utterance to turn this ship of state toward God in humility and repentance. There is no one else to do it. There is no shortage of power with God. He has given us the power. Will we be courageous and obedient?

Draw near to the Lord until you have His heart, then begin to proclaim it and act it out. God has not given up on America. That means we have no right to either.

Tuesday, Nov 6, will come and go. What then......

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