Saturday, November 3, 2012

My Article Read (11-2-2012)


  1. Romney: Why not elect a president who actually understands business?

  2. New Obamacare Tax Form Mandates Americans Report Personal Health ID Info to IRS

  3. Voters Turned Off By Obscene Obama Ads

  4. Video: CAUGHT ON TAPE: Ohio Voter Fraud Update

  5. Video: Remember Benghazi

  6. Video: FRAUD EPIDEMIC? Even MORE Voter Machines AUTO-VOTE For Obama!

  7. Video: Did Obama Fire General Who Tried To Save Ambassador Stevens?

  8. Video: Did Obama Fire General Who Tried To Save Ambassador Stevens?

  9. Video: CIA: “Obama Stopped Ambassador’s Rescue!”

  10. Ohioans Greet Obama: 'What Are You Hiding?'

  11. Natural Law – Part III (Guest Commentary)

  12. Past Time For a REAL Change!

  13. Daily Read – November 2

  14. WHITE HOUSE INSIDER – Tuesday Election Break Down – How Romney Wins

  15. Kim Clement: "My Light, My Flame is Coming to You,...

  16. Laws Shall Change

  17. Seven Ominous Storms Facing America After the Coming Election

  18. Creative Minority Report: Troll Alert...

  19. Tiny Tyrant Bloomberg decides the New York Marathon should proceed as planned...w/ Update

  20. Staten Island borough president James Molinaro speaks out about the Red Cross...

  21. Will The World Really Stop If Liberal Women Don’t Put Out?

  22. Quote Of The Day

  23. Hypocrite Of The Day

  24. Announcing The Elizabeth Warren File

  25. Scott Brown up 2 in new poll

  26. Branco Cartoon – Drip Drip Drip

  27. Anti-Mourdock polling games in Indiana? (Update – Rasmussen has 3 pt spread, not 11 like Howey)

  28. Just say Nobama

  29. Granny digs Mitt

  30. Beware the Leaders Who Do Not Like People

  31. Three People You Definitely Should Not Be Taking Voting Advice From

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