Sunday, November 11, 2012

How Obama Could Lose The Media On Benghazi-Gate In His Second Term By Ben Barrack


Though I hope the Mainstream Media would change and Obama would lose them, I don’t see it. In my eyes I see our MSM as soulless and ugly. It is like MSM is too far gone to come back to do right by the American people. I don’t think the American people would believe them any way. If the media go the way Ben Barrack thinks, the MSM would have to work very hard to gain the American peoples’ trust again.

How Obama could lose the Media on Benghazi-gate in his second term by Ben Barrack, Walid Shoebat

In Lyndon Johnson’s second term, it was his failures in Vietnam; Watergate broke in Richard Nixon’s first term but took him down after reelection; Iran-Contra dogged Ronald Reagan; Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice late in his second term; and George W. Bush’s second term was marred by failures in Iraq, a stalled agenda, and a mortgage crisis that hit just as he was leaving office. Taken together, these realities do not portend well for Barack Obama in the next four years. However, Obama has something none of the aforementioned presidents did – an unyieldingly complicit media.

Like Nixon, signs of scandal (Benghazi-gate) reared their heads toward the end of Obama’s first term but unlike Watergate, disinterest throughout the mainstream media – save for a few exceptions – has been palpable. As Nixon was being sworn in for a second time, the likes of Woodward and Bernstein were doing all they could to get the truth out. Today, there is more than enough smoke – both literally and figuratively – when it comes to what happened in Benghazi, Libya on 9/11/12 for the media to replicate its success.

Yet, it seems collectively disinterested.

Economic realities may do to Barack Obama what legitimate journalism will not. The former could end up being the catalyst for the latter.

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