Thursday, October 11, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (10-10-2012)



  1. Video: DonorGate: The Obama-China Connection

  2. How Exactly Is Obama Ahead In This Latest Poll?

  3. Video: Official Trailer For “Obama: A Profile In Deception”

  4. The Facts Show Our Commander In Chief Is Our Phony In Chief

  5. Obama Campaign Scrambles To Kill Illegal Online Fundraising Story

  6. Obama on Debate: 'I Was Too Polite'

  7. How Does a President Quit?

  8. Barack Obama, Pants on Fire

  9. Don't Bet on Obama's Likeability Rating

  10. Enough with Affirmative Action Presidents

  11. The Black Divider-in-Chief

  12. The reason Obama may continue to be 'off his game'

  13. Obama campaign out of touch with reality

  14. EXTREME #ObamaFail

  15. Biden’s Mission Impossible: Stop Obama Freefall With Ryan Debate

  16. Big Bird, Small President

  17. When Will Obama Respond to Benghazi Attack?

  18. U.S. President Speaks to U.N. About YouTube Video Posted in June

  19. Obama fails to provide aid to victims of Hurricane Isaac, despite 2007 anti-Bush rhetoric on Katrina relief 

  20. Obama thought he won the debate?

  21. Obama campaign doubles-down on stupid...

  22. Obama campaign shakeup: Big Bird to take charge?

  23. Obama's Libya Lies: Worse Than Watergate

  24. Nothing to See Here! Obama Attended the VP Debate Moderator's Wedding

  25. Obama to allow United Nations to tax Americans

  26. Obama Benghazi Massacre Cover Up Timeline…

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