Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (9-17-2012)




  1. Obama Administration - Regulating Businesses Into Submission

  2. Obama's black turnout nightmare may be coming true

  3. Obama in hiding about the Chicago teachers strike

  4. Why Is Obama So Quiet about the Chicago Teachers’ Strike?

  5. Obama’s convention bounce begins to fade

  6. Can Obama get reelected losing the independent vote?

  7. And the difference between Hugo Chavez and Obama is…??


  9. Obama Took $1 Million From Liberal Anti-Islam Filmmaker

  10. Obama's Policies Have Imploded... and Mitt Romney Had Nothing to Do With It

  11. Video Proof Of Obama’s Embassy Attack Lies… (Warning: Graphic Content)

  12. OBAMA’S LIBYA STORY UNRAVELS!… New Info Reveals Terror Attack Was Planned (Video)

  13. Breaking: Obama Administration Stonewalls on Benghazi 9-11 Terror Attack (Video)

  14. While Middle East Burned… Obama Watched “A Whole Lot” of Football

  15. Obama Administration Accuses John McCain of “Playing Politics” For Stating the Obvious About the Benghazi Massacre (Video)

  16. Obama Uses Mideast Chaos To Attack Our Constitutional Rights

  17. The breathtaking failure and indifference of Barrack Obama.

  18. America Buckling Under Weight Of Obama’s Failed Presidency…

  19. As Coffins Of Slain Ambassador and Embassy Staff Arrive – Obama Tweets About Sweatshirt Sale


  21. Obama-Backed Syrian Rebels Burn American Flag, Fly Black Al-Qaeda Banner…

  22. Obama: If Republicans Wants “Me To Walk The Dog Or Was Their Car, I’m Happy To Do It”…

  23. Without The Slightest Hint Of Irony, Obama Makes “Unwavering” Pledge To Protect Religious Liberty…

  24. Report: Obama Regime In Talks To Transfer Blind Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman To Egypt…

  25. Obama Campaign Hits New Low, Keeps Digging: Accuses Romney Of Profiting From Slave Labor…

  26. Islamic World Rages Against America, Obama Spends Weekend Watching A “Lot Of Football”…

  27. Obama: “I Want A Government That Is Lean, Mean, And Focused”…

  28. Obama U Grows Again

  29. What’s The Giant Sucking Sound Coming Out Of My Wallet? Obama Mocking Tax Cuts On The Campaign Trail (Video)

  30. Unlikely: Obama Makes “Unwavering” Pledge To Protect Religious Liberty…

  31. Obama to Apologize to Nation

  32. The Arab Spring Built by Obama

  33. Obama Libya Story Falling Apart, UN Ambassador Rice Avoids Answering Questions As to Why No Marines Were At US Consulate in Libya Prior to 9/11 Muslim Attacks (video)

  34. Fuzzy Roundup: Obama Built This, So He Has To Go.


  36. “Obama’s in.”

  37. ANSWER The Frickin Question Obama!

  38. Barack Obama's Diary: The snit continues

  39. Obama's New Front: College Students

  40. Obama voters jumping ship - new movie

  41. Some Day Maybe He’ll Get Something Right #ObamaFail

  42. Another Day Another Obama Skewed Poll

  43. The Embassy Attacks Make No Sense Unless Obama Knew About Them Ahead of Time…

  44. Breaking: Obama's Libya story collapses...

  45. Business As Usual For Obama as Campaigner-in-Chief

  46. Barone: The Consequences of Obama's Bungled Mideast Policy

  47. American Embassies Attacked, Obama Team Apologizes... to the Attackers!



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