Thursday, September 20, 2012

My Article Read On September 19, 2012


  1. Landscapes...

  2. Was He Married? Does It Matter?

  3. The Truth Can Be Ugly

  4. Daily Read – September 19

  5. Nothin to see here..move along...Kosher Supermarket Bombed In Paris

  6. Egyptian Blogger Jailed, Family Threatened, Evicted For Posting Most Excellent Mohammed Movie

  7. Palestinians arrested near Kamloops, B.C., accused of entering Canada illegally

  8. Happy 12th Blog-o-versary To Five Feet Of Fury!

  9. The Rape of Christopher Stevens

  10. You can’t fix stupid

  11. The race canard

  12. Is Romney's Claim Obama Supporters Feel “Entitled” To Free Stuff Justified?

  13. Tom Scott on Pope Benedict on the couch

  14. Colin Craig- Another moment of clarity on “Maori” water rights

  15. Season of Favor

  16. Reaganite's Wednesday Links

  17. This Woman’s Favorite Artist? Coldplay

  18. Rosie O’Donnell Will Play Sugar-Pie

  19. An October Surprise Sprung Early?

  20. Kate Middleton Photos and Mohammed Cartoons Expose Clash Between Western and Islamic Cultures

  21. Stargate Atlantis--"Misbegotten"

  22. Prophetically Discerning Your Times and Seasons

  23. Why Justin Bieber's Mom Didn't Abort Him

  24. A Perfect Storm - Maybe for You

  25. Why I am voting for Mitt Romney: The parable of the two surgeons.

  26. Italy Denies Islam... A Poco a poco!

  27. Don't move! Don't make any move!

  28. November 6th – The Bottom Line and the Red Line

  29. Obama’s Campaign Manager Tweets Out Super Creepy Pic Of Himself – Update: Make Your Own Jim Messina Meme…

  30. Obama Official Admits Assault On Consulate In Benghazi Was A “Terrorist Attack”…

  31. Poll: Americans Think Al-Qaeda More Scared Of Romney Than Obama…

  32. Romney Video Selectively Edited? Mother Jones Admits “One To Two Minutes” Missing…

  33. Conflict of Ideals. And Ideas.

  34. Death blow? Seriously?

  35. Chicago Alderman caves, will not block Chick-fil-A

  36. #ForAll is the new #Fail

  37. “we would die for Debbie Wasserman Schultz”

  38. Holy !!! Maine Senate race in play for Republicans

  39. A Large Order of Fries, Please — and Make Them French

  40. Pick your talking point

  41. Bye-Bye Key Holder deputy resigns as inspector general releases Fast and Furious report


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