Thursday, September 20, 2012

Journalistic Propaganda Machine Of The Day (9-19-2012)


  1. Thrill Is Gone: Obama Loses Convention, Media Bounce

  2. NBC Exposes Obama Admin's Contradictions Over Libya Embassy Attack

  3. Old Media Death Watch: Internet Overtaking TV, Print as Best News Source

  4. It's a mystery!

  5. Rodeo clown media frantically distract from Obama's foreign policy disaster

  6. Romney Video Exposes Media Hypocrisy

  7. Has Keith Gone Crazy?

  8.  CNN’s Peter Hamby: Team Obama’s Propagandist

  9. Media Bias Designed to Save Obama’s Presidency

  10. Media and Democrats React to Me

  11. Oh Brother… ABC Covers For Obama – Says His Redistribution Comments Were Really About “Pooling Resources” (Video)

  12. White House Spokesman Tries to Explain Away Obama’s “Redistribution of the Wealth” Comments… Fails Miserably (Video)

  13. Alan Colmes: “Isn’t Tax Breaks for the Rich Redistribution of Wealth?” (Video)

  14. Carney Tries To Explain Away Tape Showing Obama Backing Wealth Redistribution . . . Fails Miserably…

  15. MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Refuses To Air Obama Redistribution Tape

  16. Video: Carney Struggles To Explain Why Libyan Protestors Had Heavy Weapons If Benghazi Attack Wasn’t Preplanned…

  17. Joel Gilbert Punks Media: Mails 1,000,000 DVDs To Ohio Voters; Million More Being Sent

  18. Diane Sawyer Overblown Hope That Romney’s ’47 Percent’ Comment Is A ‘Political Earthquake’ (Video)

  19. When ‘Mother Jones’ Opposed ‘Selectively Edited’ Video ‘Reported Uncritically By the Media’

  20. MSM, Leftists Predicting Doom for Romney: Don’t Fall for it

  21. Larwyn's Linx: It's The Facts, Not The Daily News Cycles, That Determine Election Outcomes

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