Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Apparatchiks, Hypocrites, And Meatheads Of The Day (9-3-2012)


1)  I can’t help but wonder what Maxine Waters is going to answer God. When He asked her why did she call innocent people racist and why has she lied about people, and why she hasn’t done right by the American people?


  1. Maxine Waters: World Hated Racist America Until Obama Was Elected


2)  David Axelrod is just be an Apparatchik for Comrade Obama.


  1. Axelrod Won't Say Yes Or No If We're Better Off Under Obama

  2. Axelrod: 'We're in a better position than we were 4 years ago'

  3. Axelrod: Americans “In A Better Position Than We Were Four Years Ago”…


3)  (Shaking my head and moaning disgustingly) How can Nancy Pelosi say that Obama was a job creator from day one when Obama policies destroyed the jobs?


  1. Pelosi: “Obama Was A Job Creator From Day One”…

  2. Horrible… Pelosi Refuses to Condemn Dem Leader Who Just Compared Republicans to Nazis (Video)


Other Related Apparatchiks, Hypocrites, And Meatheads.

  1. DNC Convention Chair: Republican Platform From Two Centuries Ago…

  2. Biden Slams Romney As A Warmonger: “He’s Ready To Go To War In Syria And Iran”…

  3. Obama Surrogate Richardson: “All Around The World, The International Community Wants To See This President Reelected”…

  4. Cutter: “Absolutely” Better Off Since Obama Took Office…

  5. Code Pinkos Drop The Vagina Costumes Just Long Enough To Dress Up As Pigs To Protest Romney…

  6. Biden: “If It Weren’t So Hot I’d Go Into Detail” On How America Is Better Off Today Than Before Obama Took Office…

  7. Dem Rep. John Lewis Tells Democrats GOP Wants To Take Away Their Freedoms, Calls For “Non-Violent Revolution In America”…

  8. Dem Rep. Donna Edwards Helps Kick Off DNC: Republicans “Clearly Don’t Believe In Science”…

  9. Top Obama Campaign Official Stephanie Cutter: Republicans “Think Lying Is A Virtue”…

  10. Leftist Nobel Winner Desmond Tutu Calls For George W. Bush And Tony Blair To Be Tried At The Hague For Iraq War…

  11. Teachers Union Shells Out $100K To Media Matters For “Public Relations”…

  12. Live Blogging Here At Zilla’s For The 2012 DNC Freak-show! (Streaming Video Feed)

  13. Union Leader Kicks And Throws Chair While Pretending Clint Eastwood Is Sitting In It…

  14. Wasserman Sharts Her Pants: Americans Are Better Off Today Than Four Years Ago

  15. It Wasn't Bush That Caused the Melt Down: It Was Democrats Forcing Banks to Make Bad Mortgage Loans

  16. The DNC Freak Show

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