Saturday, August 4, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (8-3-2012)



  1. New Obama Ad Spotlights Romney's Taxes, Wealth

  2. Obama Wants Florida for His Birthday

  3. Obama Campaign Sues to Restrict Military Voting

  4. Obama campaign sues to restrict voting by military

  5. The Return of TOTUS

  6. When Exactly Did Barack Obama Renounce Communism?

  7. Here Comes the 'Hispanic Obama'

  8. Obama’s 'You Didn't Build It' Comment Haunting Democrats

  9. Can Obama Really Be Defeated?

  10. Obama The Great…..JOB KILLER!

  11. Back on the trail, Obama clings to the teleprompter

  12. Obama: Women make up 80 percent of my household

  13. Debunking Obama's Claim, “I’ve approved fewer regulations in the first three years of my presidency than my Republican predecessor did in his.”

  14. Obama: Tax cuts are "Fairy Dust" or something...

  15. Obamanomics: 42 straight months of unemployment above 8%

  16. Obama and Democrats sue to make it more difficult for Military to vote

  17. Racism to Blame for Obama’s Low Support from Whites?

  18. Obama’s October Surprise May Be His Ugliest Action Yet

  19. Obama Is A Prophet! U.S. No Longer a Christian Nation

  20. Obama: Cold-Hearted Revolutionary

  21. Obama: Close-Minded Economic Bigot

  22. Obama's Plan to Eliminate Suburbs

  23. Let Your Fingers Do The Balking

  24. Obama Promised Unemployment Rate at 5.6% After Stimulus… Today It’s at 8.3% Instead

  25. Worst. President. Ever… Obama Unemployment Rate Jumps to 8.3%

  26. Barack Obama: ‘They Have Tried To Sell Us This Trickle-Down, Tax-Cut Fairy Dust Before’ (Video)

  27. OH MY – Do Internal Emails Link Obama Directly To Solyndra Scandal?

  28. Obama Drones Prepared For Mainstreet America (WHI RELATED)

  29. Obama Sets Unemployment Record – 42 Consecutive Months Above 8%

  30. Obamanomics: 4.4 Million Report Being “Permanently Out Of Work” In July…

  31. Flashback: Team Obama Said In 2009 Stimulus Bill Would Have Unemployment Below 6% By 2012…

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