Thursday, August 23, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (8-22-2012)




  1. Military Heroes Added to Obama’s ‘Enemies List’

  2. Obama Laments Student Loan Debt, the National Debt- Not So Much

  3. Obama Camp Dupes Media on Non-Existent Abortion Controversy

  4. Obama and the econuts conspire to keep gasoline prices high and prevent domestic energy production

  5. Will Obama Keep Power by Any Means Necessary?...

  6. The Obama Identity

  7. Politics of Racial Division: Hillary and Obama Ignoring Genocide against Whites

  8. Obama's World: Through a Glass Darkly

  9. Barack Obama's Idea of Staying in the Word and Living Like Jesus

  10. 'Forward.' The Perfect Campaign Slogan for Obama?

  11. Built by Obama: What you see is not what you get

  12. Humorous image of the day: Teleprompter-in-Chief

  13. Will it be ‘Obama the Roman Gladiator’, SEAL TEAM 6 or Batman this time?

  14. Wind vs. Coal: The Obama Legacy

  15. Obama’s Constant BS About Thomas Jefferson and Islam

  16. Court Strikes Down Obama-EPA’s Cross State Air Pollution Rule as an Illegal, Flawed Regulation

  17. Forget Romney’s Tax Returns – Go Find Barack Obama’s Honesty and Compassion

  18. Presidential Firsts – Stop Being Mean to His Imperial Majesty

  19. Obama gets an ‘A’ for effort

  20. Larwyn's Linx: Has Anyone Noticed Obama's Campaign is Falling Apart at the Seams?

  21. Obama Stimulates Maddow, Olbermann

  22. Thanks Barack… 2012: Fourth Straight Year Of $1 Trillion-Plus Deficits

  23. Obama Blew Half A Million In Stimulus Cash To Run Pro-Obama Ads On MSNBC

  24. Today Obama Returns to School District He Stiffed for $25 Grand for Four Years

  25. President Obama Can’t Spell “OHIO”

  26. Flashback: Obama Says He’s Pro-Choice Including Late-Term And Partial-Birth Abortions…

  27. Obama To Fundraise With Maker Of Pro-Drugs “Stop Snitchin” Video…

  28. Any Idea Why Obama Considers This A Bad Thing?…

  29. Obama: “My Faith In Jesus Is Legitimate And Real”…    

  30. Smartest President In The History Of The World Can’t Spell ‘Ohio’…

  31. Obama: “God Is In Control”…

  32. Obama Bites the Hands that Fed Him – Big Donors Get Big Diss

  33. President Obama Ignores Pleas to Lend 1K to Save His Sick Nephew

  34. 23 reasons why we are likely to see a second wave election against Barack Obama on November 6th

  35. When Obama Is Gone He Will Do?

  36. Why Obama and the Democrats are going to lose the Medicare debate…

  37. The Teleprompter-In-Chief Speaks

  38. Obama is a Real Nowhere Man Sitting in His Nowhere Land Making All His Nowhere...

  39. Obama & How I am a Racist who Hates his Color(s) – a poem

  40. 7 Lies In Under 2 Minutes by: Barack Obama

  41. Well, at least he stimulated something!

  42. “Insider” says Obama White House planning ‘false flag’ event in Tampa

  43. Obama buys enough ammunition to empty five rounds into the body of every living American citizen.


  45. Boy, Obama’s ‘Investment’ Into GM Keeps Looking Worse and Worse

  46. Obama's Message for 2012 - Bush's Fault Forever

  47. President Obama said he wanted skyrocketing energy costs, bankrupted coal plants, declining energy use, and he’s succeeded…

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