Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (8-20-2012)




  1. Obama campaign not the well oiled machine we're led to believe

  2. Obama's plans for a second term

  3. Sox Fan Obama Plugs Visit to Wrigley Field… for the Food

  4. Obama admits he’d like a ‘weird superpower’

  5. Snooze or Lose: Obama doesn’t like cozying up to billionaires. Could it cost him the election?

  6. Shock poll: Obama could lose Illinois

  7. Forget Romney’s Tax Returns – Go Find Barack Obama’s Honesty and Compassion

  8. Obama Increased Foreign Debt By 72%

  9. Obama Gas Prices Going UP-UP-UP

  10. Barack Obama Calls Cuban-American Senator “Boy”

  11. Obama Lies…

  12. Obama Worried Romney Will Take Credit For Turning Economy Around If He Wins Election…

  13. Obama: “You Can’t Just Make Stuff Up. That’s What You Learn As President Of The United States”…

  14. Obama Shamelessly Lies, Says His Campaign Never Accused Romney Of Being A Felon…

  15. Obama Throws His Super PAC Under The Bus…

  16. Obama Gushes Over George Clooney: He’s A “Good Man And A Good Friend,” Mooch Says “He’s Cute, Too”…

  17. Obama: “We’ve Come Too Far To Turn Back Now”…

  18. Old And Busted: Obama Surrogate Says “Cool” Is A Racist Term To Describe Obama – New And Hot: Obama Campaign Uses Term “Cool” In Fundraising Pitch..

  19. Book Claims Obama Threatened Rubio: “Watch It. He Might Get His Ass Kicked”…

  20. Report: Obama Refused To Play Boehner In Golf Because He Knew He Would Lose…

  21. Obama Stated His Desire to Bankrupt all Manufacturing in America- This Is No Joke!

  22. On Obama’s Mediscare Tactic (UPDATE: Video: America’s Defining Moment)

  23. Obama Tries To Argue He Is Not Running A Negative Campaign

  24. Obama Funding $1 Billion in Infrastructure Projects…in Hamas-run Gaza

  25. Cheapskates for Obama

  26. Obama on the Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund actions : "I don’t take these folks too seriously."

  27. Obama Should Start Panicing Right About – Now…

  28. “EXPOSED: Obama lied about his campaign not accusing Romney of being a felon”

  29. Another Obama lie: “Nobody accused Mr. Romney of being a felon.”

  30. Team Obama: The smaller crowd sizes? We’re doing that on purpose

  31. Hit The Road, Barack

  32. Unreal… Barack Obama Lectures Mitt Romney Today About Being More Open With His Record (Video)

  33. Will Obama Have to Defend Illinois in November Election?

  34. Mr.Obama We Built This Country, Not The Government!

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