Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (8-13-2012)




    1. Obama Campaign Says Slashing Medicare An 'Achievement'

    2. Lackluster: Obama Fundraising Event in Chicago Sparsely Attended

    3. Government Motors is What Obama Wants to Do to 'Every Industry'

    4. The Real Danger of the Obama Campaign Strategy

    5. Obama's Three-Tiered Wealth Redistribution Plan: Individual, Regional, and Global

    6. Obama 'Not the President of Black America'

    7. Obama's big lie: Romney and Ryan want to raise taxes for 95% of the American public

    8. See Barry Run…for Cover

    9. Obama Already Gutting Medicare—The Ryan Plan Will Bring It Back

    10. This will be Obama's second term efforts

    11. Supreme Dictator Barack Obama Bypasses Congress AGAIN To Change Law

    12. Christians! Silence is Not an Option

    13. Obama Auto Bailout To Cost Taxpayers $25 BILLION

    14. WALL STREET INSIDER: It Is Barack Obama Who Intends To Destroy Medicare

    15. Obama In 2010 On Ryan Plan: “This Is An Entirely Legitimate Proposal”…

    16. Obama Expands On “You Didn’t Build That” Remark: Says Wealthy Made It Because They Are “Lucky,” “Blessed,” “Fortunate”….

    17. Another Obama-Funded Fisker Karma Electric Car Spontaneously Combusts…

    18. Obama Says He Wants A Mohawk Like The Guy At NASA…

    19. Obama Calls For A “New Vision Of An America In Which Prosperity Is Shared”…

    20. The Obama Campaign Plan -- Romney, Ryan will Kill Seniors


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