Friday, August 10, 2012

My Articles Read On August 9, 2012


  1. Sheldon Adelson Punches Back with $60 Million Libel Suit

  2. Local Gun Shops Report Skyrocketing Sales in Denver

  3. Daily Read – August 9

  4. Stereotype Of The Day

  5. Tweet Of The Day

  6. Man ‘Tortures’ Daughter: Is There Another Side Of The Story?

  7. Bonehead Of The Day

  8. Work-Related Of The Day

  9. Deer Deer...

  10. Human Rights Commissions Are A Bad Neighborhood

  11. Shocka! Professors Openly Admit They Discriminate Against Conservatives

  12. JDL To Protest Iranian Infiltration Of McGuinty Government

  13. Coren & Shaidle: Blog Off August 8 2012

  14. Muslims Busy Establishing No-Go Zones In The Netherlands

  15. Saudis to Muslim Brotherhood: Drop Dead

  16. My Cat Led Two Lives

  17. Canada Condemns Muslim Terror Attack That Killed 20 Nigerian Christians

  18. Pursuing Brett Kimberlin & allies in court; litigation moves forward

  19. All right. We'll give some land to the niggers and the chinks, but we don't want the Irish!

  20. How low can they go? New Demo ad features GOP Rep. Allen West punching out women...

  21. Green Fail: Carbon Credit Trading Causes Developing Countries To Increase Production Of Dangerous Greenhouse Gas

  22. The U.N……self-satirising moral idiots:

  23. Back off, Conroy, you statist prick.

  24. Embracing the Mess by Os Hillman

  25. Jason Hooper: Positioning for Promise

  26. A Terrible Disease on the loose:

  27. Cher Coner via African-American Conservatives

  28. Sharia Law USA??

  29. The Church must LEARN to Judge Rightly Judging Rightly...

  30. If there is voter fraud at this level in the fall ...

  31. A Warning


  33. End the Tax Return issue now

  34. Don't thank GOD, Thank Government

  35. We brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. 1 Timothy 6:7

  36. Hope and Change

  37. The USA WAS a Christian Nation

  38. Don't ever try to Con anyone, even yourself

  39. Democrat rebukes 'disgusting' pro-Obama ad

  40. Pelosi: I hear dead people

  41. Military officers told: Plan to fight Americans

  42. Throwing the bums out is the bipartisan theme of 2012 primaries

  43. More confrontation outside Chicago Chick-fil-A

  44. Rachel didn’t get a call from the President

  45. If there were no video, would this have been a teachable moment?

  46. Exit right

  47. New poll shows Mourdock with small lead

  48. John Key inconsistent

  49. Take away state regulation of marriage?

  50. You Have a Future!

  51. Bulls 100, Idiots 0

  52. 65-Year-Old Granny Squeezes Off a Couple Rounds, Has Five Punk Would-Be Robbers Fighting Each Other to Get Out the Door

  53. Unorthodox Glasses For Orthodox Jews

  54. She Works Hard For Her Money?

  55. Your Olympic Babe O’ The Day

  56. Humpday History Highlight

  57. New Urban Dictionary Entry Pegs Harry Reid As Child Molester

  58. Updates and links to false ad attacking Romney UPDATED! Bill Burton finds the bottom of the scumbag barrel

  59. Polish President Accuses Barack Obama of Betraying Poland

  60. Jewish Gymnast Raisman Gives Golden Salute to Munich Eleven

  61. E-mails about clean-energy loans provide new details on White House involvement

  62. Time To Leave the United Nations of Despots

  63. U.S. Postal Service Losing A Mind-Blowing $42,335,766 Per Day…

  64. Flashback 2008: Bill Burton Slams GOP For “Polluting Our Politics With False And Mean-Spirited Attacks”…

  65. Sununu On Obama: “He Wants To Lead From Behind, He’s A Wuss”…

  66. New Obama Ad Picks Up Where Harry Reid Left Off: Did Romney Pay A 0% Tax Rate?…

  67. New Urban Dictionary Lists Definition Of “Harry Reid” As A Child Molester…

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