Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My Article Read On August 7, 2012


  1. New Romney Ad Celebrating Latino Business Hits Obama 'These Hands Texas'

  2. Minnesota libtards deny voter fraud...

  3. Wayne Allyn Root taking bets that Obama is hiding something at Columbia...

  4. For The Record

  5. Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum

  6. Daily Read – August 7

  7. Work-Related Of The Day

  8. Jordan’s Prime Minister Reads ‘Rubin Reports’ — And Doesn’t Like It

  9. Veiled French Muslim woman charged with inciting riot

  10. "I am a Muslim but i must confess he who wrote this is a total bastard and must go to hell with entire family"

  11. At least in spirit..

  12. Shocka! Majority of Quebecers think their government is corrupt

  13. Ezra Levant: Ruling keeps secrecy veil over reserve

  14. Caught on video: Abortionist talks of the “ugly black babies” he aborts

  15. And we're back...Sailing

  16. Thanks for explaining that

  17. Those racist tea partiers!

  18. Where’s the accelerator on this thing?

  19. Turbo Tax Timmy Geithner driving force behind termination of 20,000 salaried retirees at the Delphi auto parts?

  20. Moonbat Sean Penn is campaigning for Hugo Chavez

  21. Video: Terror Squad Infiltrating Israel from Egypt Sent To Meet God By IAF

  22. Former Obama Columbia classmate on why Obama is hiding his college records...

  23. Back

  24. Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton ……

  25. a season of unprecedented change

  26. One Word from God Can Change Your Life Forever! THE MINISTRY ANOINTING OF A PROPHET...

  27. A partial Posting of a word that got weird

  28. Rock star questions Obama's presence in White House

  29. Showdown in 'Show Me State'

  30. Does the RNC think we’re a nation of Cubs fans?

  31. Small business gets hammered by big banks and lobbyists … oh wait

  32. Elizabeth Warren’s politics of paranoia

  33. Keep barking up that tree

  34. Denying deniers denial

  35. Growing up with two mothers made him "strange"

  36. Getting killed in the hospital

  37. Entitled to Sonship

  38. 160 U.S. Counties Have More Registered To Vote Than Actual Live, Eligible Voters!

  39. Benny Hinn Admits 'Friendship' With Paula White But Tells TV Audience It's Over

  40. Your Olympic Babe O’ The Day

  41. Rush Limbaugh Mocks Sheila Jackson Lee As ‘Curiosity’ Touches Down on Mars (Audio)

  42. Romney Calls on Dirty Harry Reid to Come Clean (Video)

  43. GOP To File Lawsuit Against Obama Attorney General Eric Holder

  44. Elizabeth Warren: I Demand Scott Brown Release More Tax Returns! Wait, He Released Six Years And I Will Only Give Four Years Worth? Forget What I Said…

  45. Yet Another Leftist Flotilla Plans To Try And Break Israeli Naval Blockade Of Gaza…

  46. Sandie Freed: Accessing the Riches

  47. Ivan Roman: What Is God Saying to the Church For 2012 and Beyond?

  48. Al and Deb Warner: Taking "Prayer Walking" to New Heights over Niagara Falls

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