Saturday, August 11, 2012

My Article Read On August 10, 2012


  1. Top Democrat: Obama Must 'Repudiate' 'Disgusting' Ad

  2. Wish Brian Terry Happy Birthday!

  3. West Responds: Ad Depicting Him Beating White Women 'Plays on Stereotypes'

  4. SEIU Stages Astroturf 'Flash Mob' in D.C. to Criticize Romney

  5. Police Officer Punished for Buying Chick-fil-A

  6. Romney's VP pick roundup...

  7. Charlotte Dujardin riding Valegro wins gold in dressage...

  8. Is There a War on Women?...

  9. Sununu: Obama Camp 'Caught With Pants Down' on Cancer Ad

  10. The Sheepdog’s Prayer

  11. Bird Watching

  12. ObamaCare…The Giant Job Killer!

  13. The B&R Friday Matinee

  14. Whoops! Of The Day

  15. Totally Biased… Really

  16. Narcissist Of The Day

  17. Pic Of The Day

  18. GI Jihad: Abdo said he would continue his jihad "until the day the dead are called to account for their deeds."

  19. Why Is Israel More Prosperous than the Palestinians?

  20. Ex Brotherhood Official Showcases Islamist Doublespeak

  21. Hint None Of The Girls Are Named "Heidi" -Swiss Report Reveals Hundreds Of Forced Marriages

  22. Jewish groups denounce Queen's Park 'hate' rally

  23. Iranian dad arrested for son's Facebook posts

  24. Teenage girl’s abduction in Pak triggers Hindu panic

  25. Religious Tolerance - Muslim Style

  26. If you needed 1 reason to vote for Romney...

  27. Discrimination lawsuit claims 'Big Sis' promoted less-qualified woman with whom she “enjoyed a long-standing relationship”

  28. grab guns, enable predators.

  29. Pissant Pacific pollies fling taxpayer’s hard-earned money around:

  30. The lesser of two evils is still evil.

  31. So, you think you’re a free individual?

  32. Bob and Bonnie Jones: Vote for Righteousness

  33. While you are YOUNG enough

  34. Washington Post: The Case Against Reelection - Charles Krauthammer

  35. Why the Welfare Ad Gets Under Their Skin

  36. Televangelist gets 27 months for fraud

  37. If you have a mansion in Hyde Park, you didn’t build that

  38. Massachusetts voter mass mailing looking like pro-Elizabeth Warren set-up

  39. Why are infographics so irresistible?

  40. Update on Upstate NY Operation Counterweight races

  41. Problems, we’ve got a few

  42. Children of Truth

  43. RED HOT Conservative Chicks:
    Fox News/Fox Business' Diane Macedo!

  44. America for Jesus Aims to Restore America’s Foundation

  45. You May Now Kiss The Died

  46. Weekend Caption Contest

  47. Your Olympic Babe O’ The Day

  48. Muslim “Prophet”, Followers Locked 27 Children In Underground Cells For Ten Years (Pictures / Video)

  49. City Officials Pull The Plug On Vibrator Giveaway, Leaving Thousands Dissatisfied

  50. Oops! Obama’s Top Bundler Jonathan Lavine Was In Charge Of Bain During GST Steel Layoffs

  51. Amazing… It Only Took Spike Lee 3 1/2 Years to See Obama Is Not God

  52. Michelle Malkin Takes on the Biased Media, the DHS Smear and the #Occupy Cleveland Terrorists

  53. Big Sis Slapped With Discrimination Suit for Reportedly Favoring Gal Pals

  54. Pitchfork-Wielding Farmers Rally Against Birthday Party Fine (Video)

  55. Rep. Allen West Fires Back Against “Classless” and “Reprehensible” Ad That Shows Him Punching an Old White Lady (Video)

  56. About That Latest Fox News Poll…

  57. Friday Fume

  58. Report: Unions Given Special Exemptions From Anti-Stalking Laws…

  59. Obama Heads To Chicago For $40,000 Per Person Fundraiser To Celebrate His Birthday, Mooch Plans To Skip The Event…

  60. Lawsuit: Big Sis Janet Napolitano Promoted Woman With Whom She Had A “Long Relationship” With, Allowed Female Staff To Torment Male Colleagues With “Sexually Charged Games”…

  61. The situation in America is now a monster movie.

  62. Al Thomas: Heads Are About to Roll...

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