Thursday, August 9, 2012

Journalistic Propaganda Machine Of The Day (8-8-2012)


  1. Did New York Times 'Juice' the Quinnipiac Poll?

  2. CNN: Obama Ad 'Pretty Outrageous'

  3. ABC's Brian Ross: Sikh-Killer is Right-Wing

  4. Outrageous: Lapdog Media Calls Newest Obama Ad Lies

  5. Some People Just NEED To Be Fired!

  6. MoveOn Email Of The Day

  7. Quote Of The Day

  8. WaPo: Priorities ad ties Mitt Romney to cancer death

  9. CNN: Wife of steelworker in new Obama Super PAC ad still had job and health insurance after he lost his

  10. CNN Debunks "Romney Killed My Wife" Ad; Regime Stands By It, Romney Camp Flubs It

  11. Media Tries to Bring Reid's Lie to Life

  12. Tingles: Romney Ad Attacking Obama Over Gutting Welfare Reform Is Full Of Racist Codes…

  13. MSNBC Eviscerates “Despicable” Obama Super PAC Ad Tying Romney To Cancer Death…

  14. New Low: HuffPo Links Romney To Right-Wing Salvadoran Death Squads…

  15. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow: Conservatives Outraged At Obama Due To “Racial Resentment”…

  16. MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry: Romney’s Attack On Obama’s Decision To Gut Welfare Reform Is Racist…

  17. Bozell: The Media Built That for Obama

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