Thursday, August 23, 2012

Journalistic Propaganda Machine Of The Day (8-22-2012)


  1. AP: Obama Up One in D+8 Sample

  2. Media Ignores Democrats' Anti-Semitism, Underage Sex

  3. Obama Camp Dupes Media on Non-Existent Abortion Controversy

  4. Tapper, Norah O'Donnell, and Campbell Brown Rebel Against the Media-Collective

  5. Report: Obama Stimulus Bucks Paid for Advertising on MSNBC

  6. ABC's Tapper Hits Obama For 'Misleading' Statements About Campaign's Ugly Tone

  7. Media Revives the Bipartisanship Con

  8. No Bias?

  9. Unlikely: NBC/WSJ poll finds zero percent African American support for Romney-Ryan

  10. Anti-Gun Media Biased in Reporting and Lack of Reporting

  11. Report: Obama Rakes in Boatloads Of Campaign Cash From Media Companies… Romney, Not So Much…

  12. NYT’s Maureen Dowd Compares Paul Ryan To The Taliban…

  13. MSM Narrative Fail: Majority Of Seniors Have A Favorable View Of Paul Ryan…

  14. Jake Tapper: Media Is Failing The Country

  15. NYT: The Corrupt Old Lady

  16. Niall Ferguson responds to his critics on why President Barack Obama is not worthy of reelection.

  17. NBC/WSJ Poll Proves They Don’t Talk to Many Black People

  18. Malkin: Journo-Tools for Obama

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