Sunday, August 19, 2012

Journalistic Propaganda Machine Of The Day (8-18-2012)


  1. WH Press Corps: Obama Dodging Issues, Tough Questions From Journalists

  2. Touré Sorry For Using N-Word, Stands By Romney Racist Charge

  3. MSNBC Hammers Obama For Ignoring Press

  4. Touré Invokes Nazi Term 'Niggardize' To Demonize Romney

  5. NY Times: Family Research Council Shooting POSSIBLY Driven by Politics

  6. New York Times Plagiarizes Anti-Adelson Language From Obama Campaign

  7. New York Times misreports Pussy Riot case

  8. The liberal media vs. your lyin' eyes

  9. Like MSNBC, CNN Ignored Poll Showing 74 Percent of Americans Support Showing Photo ID to Vote

  10. Liberal ‘Media Matters’ Writer Calls SEALs Gutless for Criticizing Obama

  11. CNN Promises Unbiased Convention Coverage—MSNBC President Calls CNN “Desperate”

  12. the NZ Herald–dealing in lies and propaganda

  13. When Poor Journalism and Bad Science meet. Methane in Water Means Fracking....NOT

  14. The Village Voice is dead, long live Nat Hentoff

  15. So when does the media put Biden’s qualification to be President on trial?

  16. Mike Malloy is one sick SOB

  17. In Latest Interview Media Asks Obama Hard-Hitting Questions Like: What’s Your Favorite New Mexican Food?… What’s a Good Workout Song? (Audio)

  18. Far-Left Boston Globe Calls On Biden To Apologize For “Chains” Remarks…

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