Wednesday, August 1, 2012

“Hit The Road, Jack” Of The Day (7-31-2012)


“Hit the road Jack” means somebody needs to be fired. It use to be when a person didn’t do their job right their butt was canned.

We have an incompetent woman named Janet Napolitano as our Department Of Homeland Security. She is still saying our borders are secure and we might get a terrorist come through from time to time. Yeap, that right she said it. If a terrorist is still coming in from time from time, wouldn’t that mean the border is not secure as it should be? Why are our Border Patrol people still getting fired at? Why are is DHS telling our Border Patrol to run and hide when being shot at? Obama really picked some yoyos for government office. Janet Napolitano needs go.


  1. Napolitano: Terrorists Come In ‘From Time To Time’, Border Is ‘Safe As Possible’

  2. Napolitano: Terrorists Enter U.S. from Mexico ‘From Time to Time’

  3. HSS Janet Napolitano admits terrorists crossing southern border

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