Friday, August 24, 2012

Apparatchiks, Hypocrites, And Meatheads Of The Day (8-23-2012)


1)  Joe Biden, I don’t know, he is totally off the game.


    1. Joe Does It Again!: Touts Obama's Abysmal Jobs Record as Success

    2. Biden: Won't Cost Government 'A Penny' to Refi 12 Million Mortgages

    3. Vice President Joe Biden: ‘Detroit’s Getting Back Up’

    4. Biden: It Won’t Cost Gov’t a Penny to Help More Homeowners If GOP Would ‘Just Get Out of the Way’

    5. Slow Joe “Intimate With Three Presidents”

    6. Biden: “Detroit Is Getting Back Up”…


    2)  (Jumping up and down, waving my arms to get attention) Toure finally admitted he is a apparatchik for Comrade Obama.


    1. Detached 'Journalist' Admits He's Part of Obama Chorus


    3)  Howard Dean still irritating apparatchik.


    1. Howard Dean: A Piece of Work

    2. The Return of Howling Howard 


    4)  Elizabeth Warren is a sleazy apparatchik. 


    1. Elizabeth Warren new campaign theme based on doctored video

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