Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (7-24-2012)



  1. Obama’s Socialist Job Plans For His Second Term Exposed

  2. Surprise: Obama Campaign Running a Deficit

  3. Obama 'Didn't Build That': Hawaii Residents Were Forced to Build Their Own Road in 2009

  4. The Campaigner-in-Chief...

  5. Obama: If you have a business, you didn't build it...

  6. Obama For Sale

  7. Did Barack Obama Underreport His Income to IRS?

  8. President Obama Channels Don Rickles

  9. Obama, the Great Educator

  10. Oh-oh! Obama Promises to 'Do Something'

  11. New York Times series on decline of middle class to run over next few months

  12. Mr Obama, We’d Like Our Money Back!

  13. President Obama Praises Self for Ending War in Iraq on Bloodiest Day of the Year in That Country

  14. Obama’s TARP team helped banks, betrayed homeowners

  15. Obama ignoring immediate economic fixes

  16. New poll shows Obama getting the most blame for the bad economy

  17. Obama pushes back on ‘you didn’t build that’ attack

  18. Obama campaign raffles off visit to his Chicago home

  19. Obama Fundraises With Players in Solyndra Scandal

  20. Apologizer-in-Chief Obama: “we will never apologize” to other countries...

  21. Contrary to Obama, Governments Don’t Build Roads and Bridges

  22. The Most Telling Moment of Obama's Presidency: "You Didn't Build That"

  23. Obama is NOT a Pizza!

  24. Obama Rump-Swab: National Security Leaks Coming From White House ‘Ranks’

  25. Coal Companies Announce Layoffs, Blame Obama Administration

  26. Obama Doubles Down on “You Didn’t Build That!” Comment – Lectures Romney on Sharing & Economics (Video)

  27. Oh Brother. Obama Says Romney “Twisted” His Words By Quoting His Actual Words

  28. He Can’t Help It… Obama Bashes Bush During VFW Speech

  29. Obama About to be Forced to Defend the Indefensible




Via The Daily Gator



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