Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (7-23-2012)




  1. Obama Admin Stonewalling Public On Immigration Status Of President's Uncle

  2. Obama's Passport Breach: Unanswered Questions, and an Unsolved Murder

  3. Obama Administration Draws Closer to Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood

  4. Most blame Obama for bad economy: Hill Poll

  5. Obama's Goddess Cult

  6. Obama, The Collective, and Us

  7. All men are created dependent

  8. Obama's Rhetoric

  9. The Ultimate Takedown of Obama’s ‘You Didn’t Build That’ Speech

  10. Obama Makes It All About Him

  11. An Incomprehensible Defense of Obama's "You Didn't Build That" Philosophy

  12. Obama Campaign Strategy: Poison Blue-Collar White Voters Against Romney

  13. Obama commemorates start of Ramadan

  14. Obama slammed for failing to visit Israel

  15. Obama Sicks IRS And Labor Department On Romney Donor

  16. Sorry Barack, But The Government Didn’t Invent The Internet… And Neither Did Al Gore

  17. Obama DOD Runs Military Drills in St. Louis City – Establishes Marine Law Enforcement Battalions

  18. Obama: Under Me “The World Has A New Attitude Toward America – We See It Everywhere We Go”…

  19. Obama’s Three Fundraisers Today Will Bring Total To 185 Since Filing For Reelection 15 Months Ago…

  20. Obama Says He Has Spearheaded A “New Era” Of American Foreign Policy…

  21. Yesterday: Obama Hits Colorado For Photo Op While En Route To California Fundraising Tour – Today: Obama Demands Romney Prove His Latest Trip Isn’t “Photo Op And Fundraising Tour”…

  22. Obama Encouraged To Become Male Model . . . Tingles Last Seen Furiously Nodding In Approval…

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