Monday, July 9, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On July 8, 2012


  1. Dershowitz to Fellow Democrats: Stop Attacking Sheldon Adelson

  2. Boehner: People Don't Love Romney, But They Dislike Obama More

  3. Names from the Disqus spam folder...

  4. Psalm 79:5-13

  5. Daily Read – July 8

  6. Nostalgia

  7. Government Should Be Grateful For Us

  8. Egypt's Sex-Slave Marriage

  9. Pics from Toronto's Indy...

  10. 16 Billion Dollars To A Country That Films The Execution Of Woman For Adultery

  11. Guess Who's Helping Assad Get Away With Murder?

  12. The long search is finally over

  13. Heat wave

  14. Liberals in Love: Barney Frank ties the knot

  15. Well, just get on with it already!

  16. Challenge to Boston Phoenix: Defend Elizabeth Warren on Cherokee issue, or drop “right-wing smear machine” accusation

  17. If only the U.N. were merely useless

  18. That free cup of coffee with Joe Biden may cost you hundreds in taxes

  19. Saturday Night Card Game (Dear Chris Rock, you’re welcome)

  20. Harboring the Enemy

  21. Palin Haters Not Exclusive to Left

  22. What Went on in Church Today?

  23. The Church of Great Grace

  24. And The Patriot Of The Year Is...

  25. Reaganite's Sunday Funnies

  26. Philadelphia Police Officer Killed

  27. Kate Upton? No, It’s Mary Moo-Cow

  28. Great Summer Reading!

  29. Your Daily Dose of Wisdom from Sowell

  30. The truth about Communism

  31. Morons run with bulls, morons get dragged by bulls

  32. Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water….

  33. DNC Chief: We’re “Happy” With Dismal Job Growth – 8.2% Unemployment (Video)

  34. Political Oddsmaker Says Obama Will Lose in a Landslide

  35. Black Pastors: Pride In Obama Has Turned to Shame

  36. Maine Governor Calls Obamacare’s Army of IRS Agents the “New Gestapo”

  37. Muslims Call For Death Penalty Against Makers Of Video Game Resident Evil 5 After Copy of Koran Seen Lying On Ground…

  38. Zambia: George W. Bush Helps Renovate Clinic That Specializes in Early Detection and Treatment of Cervical Cancer

  39. Maine GOP Gov. Paul LePage: IRS The “New Gestapo” Thanks To Obamacare…


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