Sunday, July 8, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On July 7, 2012


  1. McCotter Resigns: 'Strike Another Match, Start Anew'

  2. Attention Liberals THIS is what real charity and compassion look like

  3. Were Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Really Married?

  4. Dictators Aren't Just Born Overnight

  5. Daily Read – July 7

  6. Moms & Kids

  7. Flashback Of The Day

  8. What-If-Bush-Did-This? Of The Day

  9. Work-Related Of The Day

  10. Is it time for Canada to leave the U.N.?

  11. That's Like a Two For One Bonus! Former rapper turned Salafist flees Germany

  12. Femen have cost themselves social capital

  13. Dutch lawmaker brings his crusade against Islam to conservative confab

  14. Till death do us part

  15. Another bubble that’s set to burst

  16. No hope, no change — just more taxes

  17. RINO Jon Huntsman to Skip GOP Convention

  18. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka know who to blame for dismal jobs report: Mitt Romney and Republicans

  19. Shocking Video: Former Air America Host, "I screamed out I hate this G**-damned country!"

  20. some people don’t deserve liberty

  21. A Vision of the Western Church thru the Eyes of atheist...

  22. Husbands and Wives and Heaven

  23. Why Should We Trust Obama With Our Health When We Can’t Trust Him With Our Jobs?

  24. Nugent: Roberts is 'a traitor'

  25. Black pastors: Let's reject Obama!

  26. Christian pastor spends 1,000th day in prison

  27. Allen West called a bad name by someone who says “I’m not a f*g f***er”

  28. Important message from the Alaska DOT

  29. Elizabeth Warren’s husband also claimed to be Cherokee (Update: Another plagiarized recipe?)

  30. Just say NO

  31. More secular hypocrisy on sex crimes

  32. Secular Immorality

  33. Whale obsessing about priests again

  34. 10 reasons why jobs market even worse than weak June...

  35. Obama’s Goose Is Cooked - Larry Kudlow

  36. Disease Has No Power!

  37. Best Hula-Hoop Contest In Galactic History

  38. To Protect And Service

  39. Glove Is A Battlefield

  40. Our government, BOTH parties, and their dishonesty needs to go

  41. Bill Quick: How bad is Obamanomics?

  42. Douchebag merit badges? Why the Hell not!

  43. Awwww, Liberty makes Transportation Secretary LaHood a sad clown

  44. Nope, I have not forgotten about Neal Rauhauser or Brett Kimberlin

  45. Black Youth Mob Assaults Random Pedestrians at Columbus Fireworks Celebration

  46. It Begins… AZ Man Sentenced to 60 Days in Jail for Holding Bible Study in His Home (Video)


  48. W. – The Measure of the Man

  49. Obama Admin Declares Afghanistan’s Anti-American Karzai Regime A “Major Non-Nato Ally”…

  50. Krauthammer: Israel Will Bomb Iran If They Think Obama Will Win A Second Term…

  51. Wayne Brady: “I Would Gladly Slap The Shit Out Of Bill Maher,” “Just Because [Maher] Fucks Black Hookers Doesn’t Mean He Understands The Black Experience”…

  52. RadioZilla


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