Thursday, July 5, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On July 4, 2012


  1. New York Democrat Rangel Accused of Suppressing Hispanic Vote

  2. July 4th: Take a Moment to Remember How Much We've Lost

  3. 4th of July, 2012...

  4. The Molsterman Report...

  5. Yes, As A Matter Of Fact….YES, It Does!

  6. Daily Read – July 4

  7. Ask Bob: An Honest Answer

  8. A Petition To the Congress on Behalf of the People of the United States of America For A Declaration Of Consent Withdrawn

  9. Food-For-Thought Of The Day

  10. Senators warn United Church over Israel boycott

  11. Happy 4th Of July America!

  12. Report from the therapy room: Why are Muslims more violent and criminal

  13. Happy Independence Day

  14. This is what heroism looks like

  15. Land that I love

  16. This hope ‘n’ change is bad, you bet! This hope ‘n’ change will kill us yet!

  17. The message hidden in the dollar bill

  18. A little John Philip Sousa with your groceries?

  19. Comedy Gold: NC Demo Rep. pushes wrong button and legalizes fracking in North Carolina

  20. Feel Good Story: Two Muslim hijackers beaten to death by passengers and crew on Chinese flight.

  21. Happy Birthday, America.

  22. Not satire…your future has arrived.

  23. WHY are we footing the bill for this?

  24. Equality is now discrimination

  25. Seeing Angels

  26. Victoria Boyson: God's American Dream

  27. SEEK GOD'S KINGDOM..Soren Kierkegaard...

  28. When We Began to Lose America

  29. And finally, the IRS gets audited!

  30. Just a little neighborhood July 4

  31. Elizabeth Warren fits the Native American “box checker” profile

  32. July 4 / August 14

  33. Take it personally

  34. “God Particle” Discovery?

  35. Guardian Angels

  36. Double Standards in sex crimes involving priests in comparison to other people

  37. Of 4ths Long Ago

  38. Bad Results from Good Intentions - It's time to Declare Independance

  39. Unto the Lord!

  40. * * * * * Happy 4th, America! * * * * *

  41. Hijackers Sample Kung Pow Passengers

  42. Maybe They’ll Be Paid In Schrute Bucks?

  43. Humpday History Highlight

  44. That Shining City Upon A Hill?

  45. Nullification Chatter Escalating, But Could It Actually Happen?

  46. So, how much is a human life worth under Obamacare?

  47. Video-Mia Love talks to NBC News

  48. Happy Independence Day 2012! …Don’t Forget Your American Flag

  49. ICE agent shot in northern Hidalgo County Near Mexican Border

  50. Prayer to turn America back to God

  51. New Mitt Vid: The Best of America

  52. Mitt: “It’s a tax. . . And the American people know that President Obama has broken the pledge he made”

  53. Flashback: Ronald Reagan’s 1986 Independence Day Address…

  54. Poll: By 2-To-1 Margin Americans Say Country Worse Off Today Than Before Obama Took Office…

  55. Top White House Adviser Valerie Jarrett: We’ll Take Obamacare As A Tax…

  56. Happy Birthday America!…

  57. Biden: “Nothing Has Been Asked” of Millionaires “In This Horrific Recession”…

  58. We Declare These Truths To Be Self Evident……

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