Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On July 23, 2012


  1. Feinstein: Election year not ideal for gun debate

  2. Congressman on Media's Rush to Blame Aurora Tragedy on Tea Party: 'Destructive to the Country'

  3. Aurora Police Chief: Holmes Acted Alone

  4. More blasts from the past...

  5. Great new blog on the War Between the States (Civil War)...

  6. President to visit Aurora - orders flags to fly at half mast...

  7. Homosexuals in the clergy...

  8. We Said NO!

  9. Punishing The Victim

  10. Daily Read – July 23

  11. Remember!

  12. 10 Reasons Not to Vote for Mitt Romney?

  13. Bashing The Tea Party Is Also Bashing Vets

  14. Bonehead Of The Day

  15. Food price alert as US woes spread

  16. Obama: Hugs, tears, hope with families, survivors

  17. White House Suggests President Obama Will Not Push for More Gun Control

  18. City Of Toronto Screws Over Young Athletes - Youth sport shooters stripped of Ontario Summer Games honours*

  19. Australian foreign minister warns Romney: "America in decline"

  20. The U.N.–it’s time to abandon, ignore and de-fund it.

  21. Dr Matthew L Stevenson III Here is the advice I just...

  22. Out of the Heart - or not

  23. A Lutheran visits Church of Christ services

  24. Batman shooter makes strange court appearance

  25. Where’s Rick? A rebuttal

  26. Comeback to “you didn’t built that” – Romney praised athletes’ families, coaches and sports teams

  27. Cut it out

  28. Charge of the latte brigade

  29. Ted Cruz supporters need to get out the vote — starting with early voting Monday

  30. Texas Conservatives: Have You Voted for Ted Cruz Yet?

  31. It’s True: Bush Did It; Obama’s Finishing the Job

  32. Government Gone Wild!

  33. Politics Is the Continuation of War Through Words

  34. Our family won't be buying shares

  35. I said I was semi-retired. This false flag event requires comment ...

  36. Ignored Cause of Poverty – Stasis

  37. Tears of Rejoicing

  38. 'Occupy' Whatever vs The TEA Party

  39. Precognitive Poem from 1949:
    'Ode to the Welfare State'

  40. The Boxer Rebellion

  41. The NCAA Tames The Lions

  42. Like Frank Costanza, The Pilot Stopped Short

  43. Someone Angered The Tiki Gods

  44. Creepy Perv Breaks Into Neighbors’ Homes To Watch Porn And masturbate

  45. Actor better known as a character he played goes on Twitter rant, garners Marxist Moron Award!

  46. Chicago Thugs Kill Disabled Father in ‘Knock-Out Game’ – Post Video on Facebook

  47. MARTHA McSALLY Wins Support From Entire AZ GOP Congressional Delegation

  48. Colorado Shooter Appears in Court For First Time – With Orange Hair

  49. 200 Screaming SEIU Goons Storm Dunkin Donuts to Protest Mitt Romney (Video)

  50. MILITARY INSIDER: Barack Obama’s “Troubling” Personal Behavior

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