Sunday, July 22, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On July 21, 2012


  1. TSA Flags World's Largest Wang as Security Threat

  2. Exclusive: Contra ABC News, Dark Knight Aurora, CO Shooting Suspect James Holmes Could Be Registered Democrat - UPDATE: Not Registered?

  3. Exclusive: Interview With James Michael Holmes, Hispanic Tea Party Member Falsely Accused by ABC

  4. Aurora...

  5. A Just Cuz Moment

  6. ….Shall NOT Be Infringed!

  7. Daily Read – July 21

  8. Yep!

  9. Early Voting In Tennessee

  10. The B&R Photo I.D. Racism Tally

  11. Toon Of The Day

  12. Support female athletics

  13. Liberal Intolerance Strikes Chick-fil-A

  14. Huge Win - New York Transit Authority Must Run "Support Israel Defeat Jihad" Ads

  15. Socialized Medicine Fail: Baby dies because hospital too full to admit

  16. Video of Suspected Aurora Shooter James Holmes at Occupy San Diego Event ?

  17. Racism nightmare

  18. where Wabbit stands:

  19. ACLU Doing Something Right?

  20. Elizabeth Warren’s Google search term problem

  21. When political correctness runs amok, it will look like the Mayor of Boston

  22. In the land of Oz

  23. The You Didn’t Build It Act of 2012

  24. He is the 1

  25. The Screams You Didn’t Hear

  26. *NOW IT ALL MAKES SENSE - - -* *Queen's Riddle* laughsmiley

  27. Deputy

  28. Planned Economy or Planned Destruction?

  29. TOO TRUE

  30. Prophetic Response from the Prophet Malachi to the Murders in Aurora Colorado

  31. The Testimony of Prosperity

  32. Can I Get Some Fries With That Shake?

  33. Kris Benson Has A Lot Of Balls

  34. *VIDEO* Mark Steyn: The TSA Loves Snow Globes, But It Hates Kinder Eggs And Large Penises

  35. Something that breaks my heart

  36. Far-Left Dem Rep. Jan Schakowsky Uses Colorado Movie Shooting Tragedy To Further Anti-Gun Agenda…

  37. Bob Costas Says He Will Observe Moment of Silence For Victims of 1972 Munich Massacre During Live Broadcast of London Olympics Opening Ceremony Despite IOC’s Refusal To Allow It…

  38. Indonesian Islamists Protest Against Presence of Tree-Huggers From Greenpeace…

  39. Piss Off A Liberal: Eat At Chick-fil-A

  40. Vote ‘Em Out: Entire MA Congressional Delegation Voted NO On Obamacare Repeal

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