Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On July 2, 2012


  1. More Scorn for Chief Justice Roberts as Details of Switch Leak

  2. Surprising Number of Liberals Unhappy with Obamacare

  3. Was Roberts threatened...

  4. The Supreme Court Is Not Our Friend

  5. Arrest Eric Holder

  6. Swiped From FB

  7. The Last Straw

  8. Told Ya!

  9. The REALITY of ObamaCare

  10. Daily Read – July 2

  11. DC In The Dark

  12. Isaiah 9:13-19

  13. Election 2012: The Referendum On Race

  14. Maxine Waters: ‘I have not decided’ whether to call Obamacare mandate ‘a tax’

  15. Romney has no intention of making frenemies

  16. Even The Skokie Nazis Got Better Police Protection: Stoned Dearborn Christian Speaks

  17. Did You Know Mao Was Big On Gay Rights?

  18. So how did you spend your Canada Day?

  19. Colorado Springs Burns: Three Questions

  20. Elizabeth Warren supported single-payer before she didn't support single-payer

  21. House Speaker John Boehner: Republicans are preparing to file a civil suit for 'Fast and Furious' documents

  22. Obvious: Public Opinion of the Supreme Court Turns More Negative After Obamacare Ruling

  23. psssst….wanna buy a bridge?

  24. Testing Spirits

  25. Pretzel tax logic

  26. Serious doubt cast on Elizabeth Warren’s “Aunt Bea” “high cheekbones” story

  27. Um, because he’s Jimmy Carter

  28. The Money Badger don’t care

  29. Morality Of Law

  30. Nothing LESS then FULL REPEAL

  31. Press Deeper into the Spirit

  32. Ruling-Class Entitlement Pimps
    Continue to Lead by Example

  33. The Rancid Stench of Racism

  34. Hidden Treasure

  35. Reason #1 Why Cops Should Avoid Bars

  36. Stay Gold, Bronyboy

  37. The Fox Moves To Fox Sports

  38. Stat-A-Tat-Tat

  39. *VIDEO* Pastor Doug Giles Shares His ’10 Commandments For Your Daughter’s Potential Boyfriends’

  40. Idiot Shows Up Drunk To Public Intoxication Court Hearing, Is Arrested For Public Intoxication

  41. The ugly truth about Justice Roberts is that he sold out his principles

  42. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rogers: “Obamacare Is Largest Tax in America’s History” (Video)

  43. #Occupy Goons Kick Off National “Conference”- Two Dozen Thugs Arrested

  44. Fizzle… Romney Retakes Lead Over Obama After ObamaTax Ruling Sinks In

  45. Federal Judge Appointed by GW Bush Blocks Mississippi Abortion Law

  46. Obamacare IS a Fundamental Transformation Tax

  47. Obama Campaign Website Plays The Ku Klux Klan Card…


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