Thursday, July 19, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On July 18, 2012


  1. Chaplains for atheists in the armed forces?...

  2. HOLY CARP!!!!....

  3. Bye bye, Europe: The over-population myth...

  4. Blasts from the past...

  5. Father Andrew: Personal choice and private property at the heart of freedom...

  6. Sheldon Adelson threatens libel lawsuit against DCCC

  7. Daily Read – July 18

  8. QE3, ESM, German High Court, And The Death Of Hope In The USA

  9. Isn’t This What Cops Are Supposed To Do: Investigate Possible Crime?

  10. Bonehead Of The Day

  11. Anarchists To Crash Conventions

  12. Hypocrites Of The Day

  13. Food-For-Thought Of The Day

  14. Kerry Kennedy blames seizure for Westchester smash-up, pleads not guilty in court

  15. A Preview of an Olympic-Sized Fiasco

  16. State Department To Downplay Religious Oppression

  17. Hopeless Change: Students sue school district for violating their 'right to read'

  18. Prejudice

  19. Sheriff Joe Arpaio's posse now has hard evidence Obama's birth certificate was altered

  20. What does 'Donnie" really think about Obama?

  21. come November, it’ll turn even uglier. Bet on it.

  22. The birth certificate: ‘definitely fraudulent’

  23. TWA Flight 800: 16 Years and Still No Questions

  24. When you see darkness only...the kingdom is not being manifest

  25. Mitt Gets Mad and Makes a Great Speech

  26. McCain defends Huma Abedin on Senate floor

  27. Email from Jesse Jackson Jr.’s office denies alcohol and substance abuse

  28. Project Veritas undercover video exposes shovel-ready jobs farce

  29. Israeli tourist bus blown up in Bulgaria (Updates)

  30. Again they disrespect our President

  31. OMG! Mitt Romney Gave a Good Speech? OMG!

  32. Sexual harassment by atheists at conferences

  33. Confession on the airwaves [UPDATE 7]

  34. If CYF was Catholic, the pitchforks would be out in force

  35. Like

  36. Cause of Poverty - Not Understanding the Truth About Money

  37. People think I support Mitt Romney simply because is a republican

  38. People think I hate President Obama....Not TRUE

  39. The Dominion of the Living God

  40. Of Krazy Kimberlin Krap

  41. Dick Morris: Obama to Sign UN Gun-Grab Treaty and RAM IT DOWN OUR THROATS

  42. The NAACP No Longer Speaks for Me

  43. Humpday History Highlight

  44. Would You Like To Visit The Cockpit?

  45. Who Wants To Poke Heidi Klum?

  46. Kung Fu Hustle

  47. NASCAR Fans Never Die

  48. Remember your first job?

  49. I Own The World is your blog of the DAY!

  50. Why I have ZERO respect for spokestools like Stephanie Cutter

  51. Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren on Iranian Bus Bombing: “We Will React Firmly” (Video)

  52. Wasserman Schultz on Obama’s Roanoke Meltdown: “It’s Absolutely Ludicrous to Take His Statements” And Believe That’s What He Said …(Huh?)

  53. GOP Donor Threatens to Sue DCCC For Calling Him a Pimp

  54. It’s an Obama World… Team O Spokesman Says Bankrupt Solyndra Is “Widely Praised as a Success”

  55. GLOVES OFF… Romney Changes Tune – Obama Not a Nice Guy

  56. Oops!… Obama’s Top Bundler Jonathan Lavine Was In Charge of Bain During GST Steel Layoffs

  57. DONALD TRUMP Piles On: Demands Obama Release College Transcripts – Passport Records

  58. “Food Poisoning”

  59. Shhhh…There’s a Paraceratherium in the Room

  60. Poll: Romney Pulls Ahead In Latest National Poll, Number Of Americans Blaming Obama For Poor Economy Jumps To 64%…

  61. Dem Rep. Hank Johnson: “It’s Not All About America Anymore, We Have To Be World Citizens”…

  62. Creator of Batman Villain Bane Says Character “Far More Akin To Occupy Wall Street” Than To Mitt Romney…

  63. Romney Campaign: If Obama Hates Bain So Much Why Has He Accepted $120K In Donations From Its Employees?…

  64. Another Obama-Funded “Green” Energy Company Bites The Dust: Amonix Solar Closes After Receiving $15.6 Million DOE Grant…

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