Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On July 17, 2012


  1. Trump: Romney Should Release Tax Docs When Obama Releases College Records

  2. Mitt Romney hits back at Obama...

  3. Latest conspiracy theory from Iran: The west is causing drought

  4. Governments Intrude…Again!

  5. Daily Read – July 17

  6. Just Showin’ My Gratitude!

  7. Slutwalk Founder Heather Jarvis Tells The Sun "F&ck You": Muslim cleric highlights SlutWalk hypocrisy

  8. Are race riots not news?

  9. 4+3 Be What?

  10. How to suck at business without really trying

  11. TSA agents enjoying their break

  12. How to get people back to work? Elect Republican governors

  13. A public service announcement from Ralph Lauren

  14. Shameful: Muslim countries blocked the “One-Minute of Silence” to honor the 11 murdered Israeli athletes

  15. Comedy Gold: Democrats Holding Convention in Bank of America Stadium; Try to Rename It 'Panther Stadium"

  16. Obvious: Emails reveal Obama’s illegal immigrant uncle is receiving favorable treatment from the Obama administration

  17. Is the USA headed for the Grave?

  18. Michael Savage: Obama 'most evil' president ever

  19. Transparency showdown: Brown campaign demands Elizabeth Warren release law school document

  20. It pains me to say

  21. Mia B. Love on Hannity: “The hope and change we would like to see happen lies in people” not government

  22. Someone could not be reached for comment

  23. It’s His Party…

  24. Sununu Takes My Advice

  25. Beliefs about Hell

  26. Criminalise prostitution and those who use their services

  27. Reason for Poverty - Slothfulness - the attitude. a spirit

  28. Country of Texas

  29. God's Work Will Stand!

  30. Uncle Milty (Friedman) Slaps

    Silly Lib Around The Room For Fun

  31. A Prophetic Showdown Is Coming

  32. I’m Retiring

  33. When Was Her Last Oral Intake?

  34. Caption Contest Winners

  35. Obama Treasury Officials Busted For Soliciting Prostitutes, Accepting Gifts Form Corporate Executives

  36. *AUDIO* John Sununu: “I Wish This President Would Learn How To Be An American”

  37. 71-Year-Old Concealed Carry Holder Opens Fire On Would-Be Robbers (Video)

  38. Sometimes life gets in the way

  39. Your Blog Cartoons of the Day

  40. KA-BOOM!… Romney SLAMS BIG LIB Obama in Irwin, PA (Video)

  41. Hit Show “White Collar” Debuts New Shady Con-Man Character Named ‘Barry Soetoro’

  42. YouTube Yanks Romney’s Video Over Al Green Song – Leaves Up All Copies of Obama Singing Al Green Song

  43. Mitt Responds To Obama: “Liberal Policies Don’t Make Good Jobs!”…

  44. Dem Sen. Claire McCaskill Forced To Apologize After Accusing Local Missourians of Being “Actors” In Negative Campaign Ad…

  45. RNC Mocks Obama’s Belief That American Entrepreneurs “Didn’t Build” Their Businesses Without Government Help…

  46. DNC Chief Wasserman Schultz Gets Heckled At Synagogue Rally After Claiming Obama Is Pro-Israel…

  47. New Black Panther “Spiritual Leader” Arrested On Weapons Charges Claims He Was “Set Up By The White Devil”…

  48. It’s My Birthday

  49. McCain: Sarah Palin was “better candidate” than Romney, others

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