Thursday, July 5, 2012

Muskets Would Have Never Been Issued By Craig Andresen


Muskets Would Have Never Been Issued by Craig Andresen over at The National patriot

Yesterday, the town of Depoe Bay, Oregon, cancelled their annual Independence Day fireworks celebration. This had been a well attended tradition since 1993.

By well attended, I don’t just mean that people turned out to watch the display but, they made a day of it and it had become a great boost to the local economy. Shop owners and restaurants, lodging establishments and gas stations had come to rely on the annual celebration.

Now, it’s gone and for what?

The birds.

That right, because of a bunch of Brandt’s Cormorants that apparently nest a mile from the bay where the fireworks USED to be shot off.

It seems there’s a bunch of bird brains who are scared that the Cormorants are scared of the fireworks and, well, they just can’t have THAT now, can they?

Sorry but, I’m not buying it.

It makes one wonder though, doesn’t it? Where we would be today had liberal/socialist, tree hugging namby pambies been ruling the roost 236 years ago?

Let’s take today’s liberal mentality and head back to the birth of this nation, shall we?

The Boston Tea Party

It was December 16th, 1773 and the Colonists were sick and tired of being taxed without the courtesy of fair representation.

In an act of defiance of the British Crown, a group of Patriots dressed as Indians, boarded ships in Boston Harbor and destroyed tea shipments by dumping crates of it into the harbor.


By today’s standards, dressing up as Indians would be racist and any doing so, who were NOT Indians, would have been held accountable for racist activities and hate crimes UNLESS of course, they were running for the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts.

They would be called an angry mob, racists, crazy as bat poop, violent and fakes.

They would have been fined MILLIONS for not doing a full blown ecological study regarding the effect of caffeine on fish and yes, they would have been banned for fear of scaring pelicans.

Bunch of bullies… 

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