Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Canada Should Open Its Doors For Barack Obama Refugees By Judi McLeod


If we don’t get Obama out of office this could happen.

Canada should open its doors for Barack Obama refugees by Judi McLeod over at Canada Free Press

What would happen if thousands of Americans fleeing President Barack Obama’s ravaged U.S. economy and its soaring unemployment rates flooded the Canadian border post November 6, 2012?

Would Canada welcome Obama refugees with open arms?

Not according to the rules as currently set up by Canada Immigration.

Rigid screening is slowing approvals of Americans coming to Canada and someone should be demanding to know why.

“Strict (immigration) rules only grant visas to Americans with pre-arranged jobs and students willing to pay high tuition fees to cash-strapped universities,” CTV discovered in a July 11th interview with Canada’s Immigration Minister Jason Kenney.

The door seems firmly shut for all other Americans wanting to move to the country next door.

Googling the US-Canada immigration story shows that President George Bush is still the bogeyman for Americans wanting to flee America for political reasons.

Hollywood malcontents like Robert Redford, who allegedly said he would hightail it for Ireland if Bush were reelected in 2004;  Alec Baldwin who threatened to depart from U.S. soil; American film director Robert Altman claiming to be ready to leave for France;  a France ditto for Pierre Salinger, White House Press Secretary during the Kennedy administration and ‘Spooky Dude’ George Soros are still ‘livin’ in the USA’.

Frustrating to some that the legions of those threatening to leave America over George W. never left but still dominate leaving stories on Google.

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