Saturday, June 9, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (6-8-2012)




  1. Obama in Panic Mode-
  2. Did Obama tell a dirty joke at gay fundraiser-
  3. How bad is Obama for the Democratic party-
  4. America’s Socialist President-
  5. Obama Attempts to Diffuse National Religious Freedom Rally in Nearly 160 Cities with 75,000 Part
  6. Did Obama make sex joke about Michelle-
  7. The question the Obama campaign can't escape
  8. Obama just caught in big lie-
  9. Obama Campaign- We Got Beat. Help! Send Money!
  10. Obama Caught Lying Again- He Was Member of 'New Party,' Says Kurtz
  11. Pic Of The Day
  12. Quote Of The Day
  13. The Obama administration is keeping open secrets
  14. Obama’s team- ‘We got beat’
  15. Links to Obama campaign show fashion industry’s political clout is growing
  16. Will Obama’s Personal Popularity Save Him From His Record-
  17. Has Barack Obama’s ego endangered lives-
  18. Obama Administration Admits To “Hundreds” Of Closed-Door Meetings With CAIR…
  19. Report- Obama “Furious” With McRINO For Accusing White House of Leaks For Political Gain…
  20. Obama: “The Notion That My White House Would Purposely Release Classified National Security Information [For Political Gain] Is Offensive And Wrong”…
  21. Obama- “The Private Sector Is Doing Fine”…
  22. Obama- Economy Weak Because Size of Federal Government Isn’t Big Enough…
  23. Obama Administration To Meet With Anti-Israel Preacher At White House…
  24. Hey America, If This Don’t Get You Mad – Nothing Will…
  25. Right on Time – Obama Scrambles Together A “News Drop” (WHI RELATED)
  26. Where Did Barack Obama Get His Policies From-
  27. Not Only is Obama not closing Gitmo, he is spending millions on soccer fields and “enriching your life” classes for detainees

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