Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On June 18. 2012


  1. Daily Read – June 18

  2. Spanish Rain On The Greek Elections And The European Union

  3. It’s-Bush’s-Fault Of The Day

  4. Is Father’s Day An Afterthought?

  5. Quote Of The Day

  6. Work-Related Of The Day

  7. Hey, Man-Hating, Nerve-Grating Feminists: Good Fathers Are Irreplaceable
  8. Far Worse Than Watergate, More Damaging Than Iran Contra
  9. Is it a father’s job to teach his kid to fight?
  10. 'We're In This Together'
  11. The Wintour-Parker fundraiser wasn't such a success after all
  12. UN agency sounds alarm on Canadian law as number of refugees surges
  13. Gay Cannibal Luka Magnotta On Flight Back To Canada - No Details About In-flight Meal
  14. UN agency sounds alarm on Canadian law as number of refugees surges
  15. Busted For Sex With Teddy Bear - Again?
  16. Attack Of The Killer Infidel Tomatoes!
  17. Allen West: Arrogant Obama Imperial Presidency is Like King George III
  18. More from DHS Insider
  19. Government’s First Duty
  20. George W on my mind
  21. Where Are Boehner and the GOP? Congress Likely to Let Obama’s Immigration Declaration Stand
  22. 17,000 border agents: Holder must resign
  23. Roger Clemens found Not Guilty on all counts
  24. It was the worstest thing that ever happened
  25. Should I be flattered?
  26. Dems stick to what they know in Wisconsin
  27. LGF-mobile
  28. Cherokees travel to Mass but Elizabeth Warren refuses to meet them
  29. A Colin Craig Moment
  30. The mystery of the sins of the clergy
  31. A website I have never been able to access 
  32. Seven lessons fathers should give their children 
  33. Super companies always want contributions increased 
  34. TEA Party Sign of the Year!
  35. *VIDEOS* Foreign-Born American-Style Conservatives That Doug And I Dig
  36. A Great Truth of Life
  37. Well, someone sure took their Loony Leftist Vitamins this weekend
  38. A New Low… #Occupy Oakland Rallies in Support of Child Sex Trafficking
  39. It’s an Obama World… Adidas Releases Prisoner Shoes Complete With Chains
  40. Pro-Life Catholic School Bus Fire-Bombed in Rockford (Video)
  41. Outraged Protesters Hold Boycott Rally Outside Truck Stop That Wouldn’t Serve Veterans (Video)
  42. It Begins… Libs Assassinate Mitt Romney in TV Clip (It’s Comedy!)
  43. U.S. Border Patrol Group Tells Eric Holder – GET OUT.
  44. “It’s Panic Time At The White House”
  45. Romney: Obama "Hoping to change the subject"...
  46. France goes all in for Socialism
  47. Dems Panic at the Possibility of Former Black Panther Charles Barron Winning a Congressional Seat







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