Saturday, June 16, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On June 15, 2012


  1. Save the children
  2. Perpetual Peace- Accepting the Yoke Without a Struggle
  3. On Verge of Contempt Vote, Holder Wants Private Meeting with Issa
  4. Who is the White House Mole-
  5. Eric Holder and Isaiah 51
  6. EXCLUSIVE -- McConnell- 'Radical, Dangerous' Obama Admin Seeks to 'Shut Up' Opponents
  7. Hatch, King Join Chorus Requesting Holder Resign
  8. Are The Loonies Running The Fiscal Asylums Both In The EU And The US-
  9. whoa!
  10. A brave woman
  11. Why it's ok to be against Heresy
  12. Criminal charges dropped against Aaron Walker, but gag order remains
  13. Elizabeth Warren’s Google problem
  14. Elizabeth Warren failed the test for “truthfulness and credibility and honesty”
  15. Take this stimulus and shovel it 
  16. In Rhode Island, the sidewalks are belong to the homeless and their lawyers
  17. Memorable Presidential Quotes
  18. Some Thoughts
  19. But….But….FACTS Don’t Matter!
  20. Daily Read – June 15
  21. Disgusting!… Vandals Paint Sea of Swastikas in NY Neighborhood of Holocaust Survivor
  22. Outrageous!  Sheriff Investigating Voter Fraud In Wisconsin Recall
  23. Get Ready…Supreme Court Decision On ObamaCare Almost Here
  24. New Mexico Courts Stomp Religious Freedom – Order Christian Couple to Pay Gay Fine
  25. Sarah Palin and “Hating Breitbart” Headline Right Online in Las Vegas
  26. Life in Obama’s America… 23% of Small Business Owners Went a Year Without Pay
  27. Your Land Your Season
  28. Seven marketing sins
  29. There ARE NO houses being built... too much inventory
  30. Buying a house is an alternative to rent, not an investment... values haven't stopped falling year
  31. Prophecy Review, Written by James Goll in the year 2000
  32. Eight Reasons Men Reject Spiritual Fathers
  33. You Cannot Turn Off the Light -- Robert Ricciardelli
  34. A Vision of Heaven
  35. A Prophetic Admonition to Senior Leaders.... Learn to Teach how to's not what you t
  36. A Damaging Heresy
  37. Obama campaign chief: “architect” of anti-gay ad?
    Democratic senator happily cheers on anti-gay demagoguery
  38. A story unreported-- the harassment of outspoken conservatives
  39. The continued politicization of presidential biographies-
  40. Real leaders don’t whine when facing adverse winds
  41. Awesome- Louisiana GOP Governor Jindal Signs Bill Banning Abortions After 20 Weeks…

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