Friday, June 22, 2012

‘In God We Trust’ Or ‘To God We Turned Our Backs’ By Giacomo


‘In God We Trust’ Or ‘To God We Turned Our Backs’ by Giacomo over at  Godfather Politics

Over the past fifty years, a very vocal minority group of atheists have been systematically striving to remove every vestige of God and Christianity out of American society.  During that same time, Christians in large have sat on their butts and done nothing to stop the atheist onslaught.

However, one group is saying that enough is enough and that it’s time to stop allowing the few to dictate to the many.  Lea Carawan, Executive Director of the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation, has announced their plans to get the National Motto, In God We Trust, into every government public building including schools.  She explained why in a recent interview with OneNewsNow, saying,

“The reason this is important is because there is an aggressive and an intentional attempt to remove God from every vestige of our nation by people who are basically bullying the citizens to give up their rights to publicly pray and express their faith, and many feel like there’s nothing they can do about it.  We’re saying that’s not true.”

“Just like the fact that we have the right to publicly pray, we also have the right to put God up.  If we continue to allow just a few anti-God, anti-faith groups to convince us that we don’t have that right to free and public expression of our faith, we’re going to lose it. And we are a Judeo-Christian nation established with ‘In God We Trust’ as our national motto.”

I admire her intentions and wish them well, but I’m not sure the National Motto truly reflects where America’s trust is anymore.  God is no longer at the heart of our federal government.  God’s laws are readily being replaced with secular laws that attempt to justify sinful behaviors.  It seems that the more outrageously sinful a person or group of people are, they more attention they get and the more they get their way.

Read more:

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