Friday, June 8, 2012

Grifters On Parade By J. R. Dunn


Grifters on Parade by J. R. Dunn over at American Thinker

The nearly simultaneous exposure of the false claims of Elizabeth Warren to Cherokee ancestry and Obama's to Kenyan nationality is an example of two events that are not quite a pure coincidence.  While each of these episodes is causally unrelated, what we're seeing is the same process working itself out in two distinct cases.

As all the world knows, an author's bio written in the early '90s stated that Barack Obama was born in Kenya.  There is little or no possibility that it was printed without his knowledge.  (One of the similarities between the two cases is that the institutions involved simply repeated what the principals said.)  The bio made the Kenya claim because that's what Obama told its fabricators to put down.  Furthermore, the claim was allowed to stand for over a decade, being edited out only in 2006.

So what are we to make of this?  With anyone else, the case would be open and shut.  But as we've come to learn regarding Obama, there are always layers beneath layers, going all the way down to the level of the fabled turtle that holds everything up.  While Obama could have made the claim because it was true, it is just as likely that he did so because it was convenient at the time or served some purpose not obvious at first glance.  The one undeniable axiom concerning Obama is that he lets no opportunity to help himself out slip past unexploited.

I have always been skeptical of the Kenya birth claim because there is no positive evidence for such an occurrence.  All the evidence presented thus far has been circumstantial (when not simply fabricated), pointing in several directions and capable of being matched to a number of mutually exclusive hypotheses.  As is often true in such cases, the simplest, most spectacular, and most unproveable theory of them all has seized public attention.

An unfortunate side-effect of the birth debate is that it has served to mask the bulk of the undeniable questions surrounding Obama's record, in particular his college records, which have faded almost to invisibility.  In the light of the fake bio, they may well have been transformed into the most critical element of them all.

So we turn to Elizabeth Warren.  In comparison to Obama, Warren's case is simplicity itself: she was claiming to be something she was not in order to ease her climb up the academic ladder.  Warren asserted herself to be an American Indian, a Cherokee (as is usually the case with such assertions; few whites claim to be Sioux or Ute, and never Crow or Modoc), on grounds that have proven to be flimsy to illusory.  Her case rests on a document that research by the Breibart sites has demonstrated to be nonexistent.  At best, Warren can claim to be a laughably small proportion Indian (1/32 or even 1/64); at worst, she is exactly what she appears to be -- a member of the WASP tribe putting on the war paint to fool her fellow palefaces.

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