Saturday, June 9, 2012

Friday Fume By Craig Andreson


I am a fan of Friday Fume over at The National Patriot. Craig Andreson mentions in his fumes what I feel on some of his subjects.

Friday Fume by Craig Andreson over at The National Patriot

I have DONE it! Once again I have survived a week’s worth of liberal/socialist insanity and I certainly hope you have also.

It was close though and had it not been for Governor Walker…I might have gone screaming into the night. Walker’s big win in the “too close to call” recall sent a clear message that liberal/socialists are in big trouble come November but…

We still have 5 months to go and the other side is shifting their abhorrent behavior into high gear.

No worries…If we have survived the last 3 1/2 years, I’ll bet that, together, we can make it through until November.

It’s Friday my friends and you KNOW what THAT means…

I’m fuming.

Oh boy. How do I…handle…this one delicately.

We’re starting this week in Granola City USA…San Francisco where what ain’t fruits and nuts are flakes.

That’s where a guy cut off his own…ummm…

We do not know his name but please, OH PLEASE, let his name be Richard Lester Moron.

Let’s just for the sake of brevity say it is. Okay?

So…This Dick Les Moron…Picked up his X-Acto knife and just…lived up to his name. Nobody knows why but in San Fran Freak Show, do LIBERALS need a reason for doing anything?

The Village People cop who responded to the 911 call actually FOUND Little Richard and sent it, along with Dick Les to the hospital where, at last word, doctors were trying to reunite the two. Who is paying for the micro surgery???


Toxicology tests revealed that this Moron…Dick Les Moron, was NOT on drugs or drunk at the time of his…trial separation. Who gets to pay for the tox screen???


While detectives will conduct a FULL investigation because, APPARENTLY ALL OF SAN FRAN FREAK SHOW’S CRIMES HAVE ALREADY BEEN SOLVED…This…Dick Les Moron…Will undergo a full psychological evaluation, at TAXPAYER’S EXPENSE!!!!

Please…Allow me to save the Taxpayers some money.

HE’S NUTS!!!!!

Please, somebody take away his X-Acto knife while he still has those.


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