Thursday, June 7, 2012

Articles: Big Labor's Big Boo-Boo By C. Edmund Wright


Articles: Big Labor's Big Boo-Boo by C. Edmund Wright over at American Thinker

Wow.  Where to start?

The "it's gonna be a late night in Madison" notion was virtually over by the end of Happy Hour -- which no doubt did cause some very late nights instead in Washington and Chicago.  With little or no happiness at all.  And naturally there were also the comparisons to the vibes of the night Scott Brown took down the Kennedy seat in 2009.  More on both of these dynamics shortly.

The real story is: what happened this spring in Wisconsin was not a recall election at all.  Pure and simple, it was a mulligan.  A childish do-over.  Moreover, it was a battle of government union members and their families against pretty much everyone else.  And when that really crystallized in the minds of the voters, the unions' cause was doomed.  The name Tom Barrett is irrelevant here.  The biggest losers last night -- and there were many -- were big labor generally and public service unions specifically.

Succinctly put, the petty, protected, pampered lefty government unions -- still indignant over Scott Walker's 2010 win -- simply threw a 75 million dollar tantrum as a third do over on that same election.  And the unions' reward from the citizens of Wisconsin for a year and a half of hell was a resounding "go to hell" of epic proportions.  And if anyone doubts that there is a God -- and that He has a sense of humor -- the Wisconsin State Motto is, yep, "Forward."

You can't make this stuff up.

Making stuff up, however, is what the entire leftist media-Democratic Party complex is doing today, blaming everything and everyone from the Citizens United decision, voter fraud, a bogus robo-call, George Bush -- and probably even Brett Favre.  MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell even pretended the election did not happen, focusing on Mitt Romney's job creation record in Massachusetts instead.  It's all very funny.  And satisfying.

Read more:

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